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View Full Version : Hiyas!

05-10-2015, 08:25 AM
I'm Showdonn and I've been getting more and more experience with mapping and level design.

Having a few complete projects already created and in use, Enhex put me up to the task with making surf maps for his game. Like him, I'm looking to get feedback since I only know surfing to such an extent (I would consider myself decent). I would hope this doesn't negate my mapping effort because I do research other maps and the gameplay.

You can view my previous mapping projects via my screenshots up on Steam as well as a few maps I have up on Workshop (I'm also working on re-releasing race maps I made for a specific server, hence the small amount of maps on Workshop right now). http://steamcommunity.com/id/Showdonn/myworkshopfiles/

I'll post what I have so far with the surf map soon.

EDIT: Map will be testable once a better lighting system is in place.