View Full Version : how do you make the levels? the question of imagination

04-26-2015, 09:02 AM
how you make lvl(or full map)?
like this?

1. imagine full level in brain(with\without textured)
2. do this in hammer
3. finish

or maybe like this?

1. make cube map with nodraw
2. do obstacles, surf blocks, and pre-design
3. colorize with textures
4. finish

or your version...? i need ur help, just say how you make map from "A" to "z"

Thank you for your attention!

Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english! Sorry for my bad english!

04-26-2015, 02:13 PM
1. make a start platform
2. make the floor and walls and roof of first room
3. make a first ramp
4. adjust the floor and walls if needed
5. make more rooms and more ramps
6. detail if good ideas come to mind
7. finish detail once surf is finished

04-26-2015, 02:48 PM
I dont even know what I do. I just put shit together and call it a map.

04-27-2015, 05:11 PM
I start with a platform and a ramp, then I try to think of something interesting or natural from that ramp. Usually i have in mind what kind of surf I want (like big jumps, or late-flicks, or a lot of low fast neutral jumps). If there is a part that doesn't work for me I rip it out. I always make the surf challenges first with dev textures only and using the cordon tool and fast lighting for quick testing. Then I enclose the map, and do lighting and textures last. I usually restrict the variety of textures I use to maintain a consistent look.

Mooster Cow
04-27-2015, 06:26 PM
i just do whatever the fuck i want, i make some ramps, some detail, then more ramps, then more ramps, then detail, then lighting, then ramps, then detail, then aimbot wallhacks.

04-27-2015, 06:31 PM
I dont even know what I do. I just put shit together and call it a map.

happyhands maps are proof guys

06-02-2015, 06:10 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtJeXZEd8aE Here you go man. I just made a video where I show you how I make a stage! :-)