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View Full Version : Unban on me, jelli.

03-05-2015, 06:19 PM
Unban Request- Me
Name being used on the server at the time: jelli
Time you were banned: about 7 pm on 3/5/15 today
Number of people on the server at the time: I don't know about 20?
Admins online(afk or not): none
Which admin do you think banned you: I was console banned
Why you think you were banned: Ok so we were on surf_thembrium and I jokingly said "ban me". My friend (i dont wanna disclose name) said "just spam rcon" And I couldn't find anything on Google saying against it (nobody was asking why) so I tried it. I didnt think there was a way. Shortly thereafter http://imgur.com/fRSAt23 . I just got beginner so I'm really sad. :sorrowful:
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67579852

(also sorry about my forum name it's a joke)

03-05-2015, 06:54 PM
I was unbanned. Idk why but I'm back in the server!

03-05-2015, 08:02 PM
fk no

03-06-2015, 02:37 PM
Spamming rcon will ban you from any server. Stop being dumb, anyway its a temporary ban.