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View Full Version : [Help] Visual Bugs when compiling and testing my map. D:

01-18-2015, 12:43 PM
Hey, I recently started creating my first map, and I noticed that when I test my map there are dozens of visual bugs going crazy.

Somebody said it's caused by my ramps, I made them of 4 inches long pieces, in a 1 degree ratio. I've tried 64 inches and 2 degrees, there were a lot less bugs, but still there are some, does anybody know how to fix this completely?

Here an example:

I'd be thankful for any help,


Mooster Cow
01-18-2015, 01:02 PM
The func_detail is strong within those ramps.

Note: Don't use flat textures.

01-18-2015, 01:43 PM
func_detail will probably do, that's right - if not please provide a .bsp or screenshots with different angles.

01-19-2015, 11:36 AM
Thats likely a vis issue, it screws up on complicated geometry. To solve it, do like the rest have said and turn your ramps into func_detail (select all the parts and press ctrl-t). What this does is stops vis from seeing this as something that splits the area, consequently func_details can't be used to seal your map. All of your ramps should be func_details for faster compile times and better in-game performance. If that doesn't work, remove variables one by one until it works.

note: follow your dreams

01-19-2015, 01:59 PM
Thank you for your replies, really helped! But now I got a different problem:
I had a hall in a circle shape, it had some vis bugs in it so I used func_detail on it.

This is before:

This is after:

The objects are definitely still there, and when I go into that area I get stuck. Help?..

01-19-2015, 05:03 PM
did you func_detail something directly touching the void?

also use these instead of flat textures

01-19-2015, 07:55 PM
that looks like a leak, if you go to "map->load pointfile" it will draw a line from whatever leaked to where it leaked. A leak is basically when you have a hole in your map such that the "outside" gets "inside". If when you try to load a pointfile it shows a browse window instead of a dialog box then theres no more leak.

01-20-2015, 06:16 AM
Yeah it is, I just removed the func_detail and now it's fine, thank you anyway!

Thanks for the link, what exactly are flat textures and why should I not use them?

01-20-2015, 04:43 PM
I find flat textures unappealing because it is very difficult to see where the spine (middle) of the ramp is when trying to surf smooth. Maybe this has to deal more with the contrast of colors, but I find that I have more difficulty with this when flat textures are used on ramps.

01-21-2015, 04:32 AM
Yeah it is, I just removed the func_detail and now it's fine, thank you anyway!

Thanks for the link, what exactly are flat textures and why should I not use them?

Flat textures are basically just textures that are one colour, and have no detail at all on them. They cause the player to lose depth perception and it starts to hurt the eyes after a while. Something as simple as a grid across the texture completely fixes those issues and looks better IMO, while keeping the clean/basic aesthetic.

01-21-2015, 07:16 AM
Okay cool. Next problem! :D Sorry if I'm spamming my problems in here, but w/o help you lose your motivation really really fast.

So I've been mapping, and I wanted to map a 4 way ramp that comes together to one edge, like a plus shape.

When compiling it said that there are too many t-junctions, so I googled it and came across propper, which makes a model out of a brush, but I'm having a HARD time installing it due to the fact that every tutorial is about 5 years old.

I've dropped the propper.exe and .fgd from the ep1/bin into my Counter-Strike Source/bin folder, created a propper_model entity out of my ramp

and tried to compile in advanced mode like this:

But when it comes to compiling it does nothing after this:

Can anybody help me?..

Mooster Cow
01-21-2015, 02:45 PM
You have to create your own mod called Propper using the 2007 engine in Source SDK and create your models from there.

01-21-2015, 03:41 PM
KSF help forum now at a new low price of $9.99 per hour


01-22-2015, 03:34 AM

I think I skipped some of the stuff he did cause it's just not necessary, but basically that's what you gotta do.