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View Full Version : Plugin/Command lag on certain maps

12-31-2014, 08:27 PM
Getting Plugin/Command lag on some maps, One of them is surf_beginner and it happens on surf_kitsune too, Pretty sure theres more maps it happens on too. Not sure whether its a server problem but it happens alot on the easysurf t1-2 server and the timer crashes all the time, Its pretty annoying when the timer stop working then all the rookies vote to extend the map to piss everyone off. Is there any way you could fix this?

Assassin +
01-01-2015, 11:42 AM
I can vouch for this. The lag always happens on surf_beginner. I'm not sure about other maps though. Many times I've seen it break the server too where we have to rtv to get it fixed. And this also happened last night on the CSS surf_beginner too.

01-03-2015, 07:37 AM
These two maps will be removed until we find out whats causing the crash.

01-03-2015, 05:42 PM
Im pretty sure its more than just the two maps, Happend on surf_olympics earlier, aswell as some other t1-2 maps, I've only witnessed it on the t1-2 server so maybe its a problem with that specific server, although im not sure.