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12-30-2014, 08:24 PM
it would be pretty nice if we could do stuff like "!cpr smt @10" to compare my time to the 10th time, or "!cpr smt player" to compare my time to player's, as far as i know nothing like this exists, it would fit nicely into !cpr, if it already exists in some form then oops sorry

12-30-2014, 09:35 PM
Well you can do !cpr @10

But nothing that compares your own time I don't believe.

12-30-2014, 09:43 PM
yeah someone showed me that, but it just compares wr to 10th time i think, it would just be nice to have it be really flexible, like !cpr @10 could keep doing what it does but !cpr smt @10 would compare my time to 10th time etc

They call me queer
12-31-2014, 04:46 PM
!cpr @10
!cpr smt


01-01-2015, 12:10 AM
!cpr @10
!cpr smt


thats just not as good as "!cpr smt @10", that also compares each against WR, rather than both to eachother (which is what I mean to happen if i !cpr two times)

They call me queer
01-02-2015, 12:29 AM
Not as good, or you're just lazy?

01-02-2015, 10:38 PM
that doesn't make sense, why don't we remove the timer? we shouldn't be so lazy that we're making the game time our runs, i would have to like write both times out and compare the times manually, or it could be a 5 minute thing to add when there's nothing else to add that just compares two runs, which is pretty useful and im sure most people would use it

in case you're not getting it, doing each time manually would compare each time to the WR, which isn't what we want if we want to compare two times to each other, seeing their differences in time and speed

01-03-2015, 02:39 PM
that doesn't make sense, why don't we remove the timer? we shouldn't be so lazy that we're making the game time our runs, i would have to like write both times out and compare the times manually, or it could be a 5 minute thing to add when there's nothing else to add that just compares two runs, which is pretty useful and im sure most people would use it

in case you're not getting it, doing each time manually would compare each time to the WR, which isn't what we want if we want to compare two times to each other, seeing their differences in time and speed

Qr just likes being a sarcastic little fuck on the forums. It really is a good idea, I'd use it quite a lot, especially checking again g1 time.

They call me queer
01-03-2015, 10:49 PM
Who you callin' little? My keyboard is older than you are s0nny.