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10-19-2014, 09:07 PM
Hey guys,

Just wanted to pop my head in and say hi. I go by Z$ in the servers. I've been playing on your servers for quite a bit of time now. I am/was one of the admins on OG who was there since the beginning. I always knew this was where it all started so I decided I might as well post something.

So hi!

10-20-2014, 03:11 AM
Welcome :)

10-20-2014, 04:40 AM
hi, glad to see a lot of the OG surfers are switching over to KSF, welcome

10-21-2014, 10:42 AM
hi, glad to see a lot of the OG surfers are switching over to KSF, welcome

Yeah, being an admin since the beginning from over there, I saw the community go through a ton of problems. Hopefully the same issues don't plague KSF.

Guess I could post a bit about myself. I've been playing cs since the beginning; purchasing the Orange Box and playing it in my computer class. I'm now a college graduate still investing way too much time in CS. I started surfing in 1.6 on dm servers but soon became very fond of level maps. The first one I ever played was simpsons and from then I was hooked. I was offered a position at OG in the beginning because I knew an admin there who introduced me to the owners.

If you guys are interested, here's my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/joker231

They call me queer
10-22-2014, 09:38 PM
The orange box is the beginning of CS:S now?

10-27-2014, 11:07 AM
Maybe I'm mixing it up. I bought the original cs out of the box that came with hl and I think dod? I don't really remember. But yeah, been playing it since the beginning!