View Full Version : VIP Abuse, mad users everywhere.

Toxic, Please
09-19-2014, 07:07 PM
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : why the fuk does leet beta gives you 40 points? xD
[Beginner] Seaks : !r
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : stfu stupid rookie
[Experienced] Kriyu : no
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : hard maps give you 15 points
*SPEC* [Rookie] deine Mutter : dafuq garfield that was close
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : it gives me more points than you fucking have
[Experienced] Pand3mic : same name
[Experienced] Kriyu : you only made a video of us l0l
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : leet beta gives you 40
[Experienced] Pand3mic : different person
[Experienced] Pand3mic : oh nvm
olofm * EIZO @ nosound connected.
olofm * EIZO @ nosound (STEAM_0:0:8722624) connected from Germany
F. connected.
F. (STEAM_0:1:51257906) connected from Germany
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : it gives me 1743
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : i dont give a shit bro
Robopenis suicided.
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : !rank toxic
[Surf Timer] - toxic♥aStya is ranked 3206/55575 with 860 points
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : nobody even talked to you
[Beginner] Seaks : oh shit
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : 2x your points
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : calm the fuck down

Then, couple minutes later:

[Experienced] Austin : when was fruits2 made?
[Experienced] Kriyu : so whats the hard part on this map?
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : probably after fruits... Kappa
[Beginner] Seaks : lol
[Experienced] Pand3mic : the broken royal spin
Ballel connected.
Ballel (STEAM_0:1:64015729) connected from Japan
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : any vip on
*SPEC* [Rookie] deine Mutter : that map it self
[Experienced] Garfield : !hide
[Grandmaster] Wombat : ?
[Expert] [LDT] EarthwormEd : pandemic
[Experienced] Kriyu : theres a royal spin at the end?
[Expert] [LDT] EarthwormEd : royal is easy
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : can you gag that rookie retard
[Expert] [LDT] EarthwormEd : complared _again
[Rookie] killer bomb : !hide
[Grandmaster] Wombat : who?
[Beginner] Seaks : "when is the hard part"
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : dude, you should calm the fuck down
[Grandmaster] Wombat : have been afk
[Veteran] Mr.Dragon : that one
[Beginner] Seaks : !r
[Beginner] Seaks : lol
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : disable the fucking chat if you dont wanna read me
[Beginner] Seaks : get im
[Beginner] Seaks : get im
[Casual] Phurix : !hswtop
Napkin™ connected.
Napkin™ (STEAM_0:1:46523467) connected from United States
[Rookie] Napkin™ : !mi
Drama Jr. suicided.
[SM] Wombat: Gagged toxic♥aStya.

Hope this gets analyzed, and thanks in Advance.
Also, i'm toxic♥aStya and the abusive vip is Wombat
Edit: Screens here ↓

EDIT2: Yet another chatlog, the real "reason" why i was gagged.

[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : wanna know the reason why i was gagged
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : ;P
*SPEC* [Rookie] Aerx : !keys
[Grandmaster] Wombat : not really
Kenny connected.
Kenny (STEAM_0:0:6171577) connected from Denmark
*SPEC* [Skilled] clutchpop : !spectate euuu
[Surf Timer] - Expert - surf_dionysus (11/60) IP: expert.ksfclan.com
[Surf Timer] - Kriyu finished in 00:56:00 (WR +00:08:29). Improving by 00:00:98
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : go ahead
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : tell me why
deine Mutter suicided.
[Beginner] Seaks : because yuou were being fucking annoying
[Surf Timer] - DuckMan finished in 01:10:15 (WR +00:22:44)
[Rookie] DuckMan : yay
[Rookie] MeerkatAirforce : !surf
deine Mutter suicided.
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : by making a joke with someone else?
[Expert] wa eeuuuuh : wtf
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : so just because a skilled guy asks a vip to gag someone
[Casual] KR4UZ3R : !hop
[Expert] wa eeuuuuh : man
[Expert] wa eeuuuuh : siri
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : he should?
[Expert] wa eeuuuuh : you saw that?
[KSF Clan] - We need donations to help keep this server running! KSFClan.com/donate
[Grandmaster] Wombat : i've none dragon for a while
[Grandmaster] Wombat : known*

09-19-2014, 08:10 PM
please gag

09-19-2014, 08:16 PM
LOLllLL hahhhhho rookie

09-19-2014, 08:34 PM
Commit suicide

Toxic, Please
09-19-2014, 08:45 PM
Commit suicide

Sounds tempting.

09-19-2014, 09:11 PM
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : so just because a skilled guy asks a vip to gag someone

This here just shows your insolence. First of all Mr.Dragon is not a [Skilled] player. That is very disrespectful to him. Almost like calling him a [Rookie]. He is a [Veteran] and as a veteran I think its time you fucking rookies started showing some respect. Dragon fought in the fucking war, for your counter-strike and for your surf. It is very disrespectful to call him such names like [Skilled]. I think you just need to smarten up

Toxic, Please
09-20-2014, 07:41 AM
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya : so just because a skilled guy asks a vip to gag someone

This here just shows your insolence. First of all Mr.Dragon is not a [Skilled] player. That is very disrespectful to him. Almost like calling him a [Rookie]. He is a [Veteran] and as a veteran I think its time you fucking rookies started showing some respect. Dragon fought in the fucking war, for your counter-strike and for your surf. It is very disrespectful to call him such names like [Skilled]. I think you just need to smarten up

I wasn't really talking about ranks, because i'm new to the KSF scene (i always surfed on CSGO shitty servers and recently moved to KSF on Source). I was actually calling him a skilled person, because i specd him (before the gag btw) and he is indeed very good. Also, Dragon wasn't in the lobby when i said that so he didn't fought for that. All i was asking was the reason for the Gag. Sorry to you and Dragon for the misunderstood, but i just wanna clarify that i was NOT talking about his rank at ALL.

09-20-2014, 07:46 AM
Obvious troll Arcadeas is obvious.
Is this butthurt shit really worth a topic/discussion? I don't think so..

09-21-2014, 04:32 AM
10/10 thread

09-22-2014, 04:21 AM
10/10 thread


10-05-2014, 02:00 PM
[Rookie] toxic♥aStya attempted suicide.
Suicide failed.
Please try again.