View Full Version : [Request] I donated for VIP to another use who is apparently arrested and going to jail

09-15-2014, 01:26 PM
Recently I donated to KSF for another user's VIP status so he could spectate the pro surfers and put the observations to good use in his mapping career. Unfortunately rumor has it the user has been arrested and will be going to jail for (supposedly) drug possession. I don't know if this is true or false, though the user hasn't been online and my $10 donation has gone to waste. I'd like the Silver VIP status to be transferred from this user's inactive account back over to mine, if possible. The SteamID for my account and the other user's account is listed in the PayPal transaction page, if you need more information or verification please let me know and I'll send it privately.

Thanks for reading

09-15-2014, 03:44 PM
Send me the e-mail used on paypal or the transaction ID.