View Full Version : KSF need 2 new rules and remove one.
08-22-2014, 09:02 PM
First rule request: Chat spamming is not allowed. Sending many messages in a short time interval is spam especially if the messages are repetitive too and / or meaningless too.
Second rule request. You're permitted to chat everything which is in accordance with "First rule request".
Remove rule 9: Respect all administrators.
Because there're no rules about what you may chat, this actually does it legitimate to chat spam, but this is not how it works in practise, because the admins on KSF regulate it - and that is the problem, they regulate it like shit. In fact second rule request is pointless and this rule (First request) is enough by itself. But I still think we should have secound rule request to emphasize clearly to the authorian admins that players are allowed to say everything as long it aint spam and they're not going to regulate anything.
How do they regulate it like shit?
They ban people for saying something "stupid" and what is stupid? When they get offended (especially when it's by a rookie /lower ranked guy) or when their good friends get offended - it's just all about personal interests..... Regulating the speech is very hard to do fairly because what "stupid" is very unclear and how intensive of stupidness should it be before banning? Admins respect lower ranked guy less and players who're not friend with them so discrimination is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent.
Why not just let us say what we want as long it aint spam? When people say stupid things, we just explain to them why it's stupid - that is how we should regulate it.
Why remove rule 9? Because what if we not respect them, are we then just gonna be superficial without saying anything? It's not a problem too if we just follow the rules. And why is it the rule doesnt mention that Admins should respect the players?
I think many people will agree with me but I think they dont like it because less bans would mean less pay4unban money.
We need a discussion about rule 6 too.
edit: inb4 "this is just a game". I just want to increase the quality of the servers and make it more entertaining
08-23-2014, 01:07 AM
your so fucking stupid rofl
08-23-2014, 01:46 AM
I don't know if you noticed but there should be "auto-kick" now on rookie and europe server after spamming 3 times.
08-23-2014, 02:13 AM
Deadeye: Why?
Hopefully you dont act like this on KSF servers, because then you would make it hard for us non-admins to follow rule 9 about showing special respect to admins. I mean respect should be reciprocal
Sacred: True. But there're still ways to spam like when Synki had many specs on surf_fruits some retard typed frequently !specinfo just in case to not getting stopped by the anti-spam and these messages were huge because he had something like 35 specs.
And if there werent any ways to spam, then we still need a rule to protect free speech from butthurt admins which was my general point of this thread.
08-23-2014, 04:08 AM
08-23-2014, 04:26 PM
nothing much to say about it
08-23-2014, 05:02 PM
Rule 6 needs a huge re work. Surfing is starting to become with a map coming and and your forced to surf it a certain way or you're banned. Being able to be good enough to do a hard shortcut that other people can't do results in you getting banned or the shortcut being removed. I dont see why being able to long jump off something to increase your starting units on a stage results in a ban because someone else isn't good enough to do it. WRCP's and bonuses should be fair less strict when it comes to certain things. Most of the people that can actually go for wr's on maps know better then to not do something like getting a lucky crouch boost or some shit.
Wont even bother with rule 9 because its a waste of time talking about it all that needs to be said is the biggest problem is admins abusing there powers to ban people they dislike personally.
08-23-2014, 05:32 PM
6:18 PM - gebb: i agree pretty much with what you said
6:18 PM - gebb: ppl should be more free
6:18 PM - gebb: to do wrcps
6:18 PM - gebb: and stuff
postin for gebb he has no account
08-23-2014, 07:36 PM
I'm devoted to Habitat's rule 6 modification suggestion. A Habitat shouldn't be restricted within a habitat.
I think the main arguement that the WRCP hunters come up with is that WRCP aren't giving any points and therefore the way to achieve the WRCP shouldn't be limited. But if the people who care about those WRCP don't really care about them wouldn't this make these WRCP unnecessary?
Short answer: Yes. My new suggestion, which was inspired by Habitat's, is to remove all the WRCP times and stages and declare all maps linears. I've never seen a person complain about a linear map. Or did you ever see a person write "This linear part here is really shit!". NO! They always write: "Lol stage 5 can sukkk my ballz!!!", "Haha rofl, tioga's stage ruined the map AGAIN!", "Nobody in this server can get past Kiwi, let's RTV!". Like this, nobody could cheat any WRCP's and people would try to go for the WR of the map instead - a win win situation. And if people use crouchjump or longboost they just get banned for trying to cheat in order to get the WR thus meaning they wanted to cheat themselves points. Now you see, the arguement of the WRCP abusers doesn't work anymore, because now they are benefiting from their crimes, which is per server rules rightfully illegal.
Long answer: Yes.
Also, I just asked Gebb (he has no account) for his opinion.
6:18 PM - gebb: i agree pretty much with what you said
They call me queer
08-23-2014, 09:20 PM
The only real problem is that no one can properly enforce anything until the almighty untouch comes back to fix it all, which I really think he has absolutely zero interest in. The unwritten rule of "you can gay a stage that has been gayed the same way" is just stupid. There's dozens of old wrcp's never removed, lagged times, etc.
Joseph brought up a good point that I haven't actually seen yet:
"But if the people who care about those WRCP don't really care about them wouldn't this make these WRCP unnecessary?"
The few of us are limited of our fun by people who don't even want the wrcp's to begin with.
As a side note, I really think that most of the good surfers hardly actually surf anymore because surfing itself is extremely mundane. If you let them fiddle around with gay things, there's more to experience and keep interest in. Quite a few have told me that they're starting to understand where I'm coming from.
08-23-2014, 09:44 PM
The rule about respecting admins is all well and good, admins get respect but it must go both ways I have seen on a number of occasions a certain person being kicked, muted, banned for just joining a server simply because a certain someone has a personal issue with the person and given, yes not everyone is going to get along and an admin using his powers to kick or ban people he does not like is just stupid and needs to be sorted.
A set of solid rules need to be made out, the whole "if someone else gayed it then you can too, but the first one to gay it gets a ban" is just stupid, if things are set out for e.g (No crouch boosting, no breaking max velo with multiple boosts to get more units from spawn) if these are set in stone and someone breaks them then its an insta ban BUT its not allowed to be re-done by the next person even if you are not the first to do it (it should be added to a list to be removed), i personally think its wrong for gay shit to be happening because people who enjoy going for wrcps have their fun taken away because some gobshite gayed it.
Rules need a serious overhaul with input from the top surfers who know what they are talking about and ACTIVELY surf. Admins need to stop abusing their powers against people they have issues with, chat spam needs to be stopped (wr vids)
08-24-2014, 02:38 AM
Yea habitat, maybe you can stop being whiny all day and list what has been forbidden so far. All you cry about is that sc on ecosystem and mellow. There are close to no things which I told you not to do, you did that sc on torque2 and retroartz and w/e.
Concerning surf_rookie: it's different to me than other maps because it's brand new and also kiiru tried to prevent exactly that shit from happening. He put triggers on all those boxes, so some dumbasses must have tried every single box if there's an edge to walk + jump on, while the teleporters should have been enough to show that this isn't supposed to be. I didn't ban jabra for jumping off a ledge on a commune map to get a wrcp. Also it's not like I decided that upon myself, I had multiple people report it to me because they were pissed off by what happened to the map right after its release.
PS: qr pleading for gaying stuff as you like? So unexpected...
There's enough to "fiddle with gay things" to your own gay pleasure going on, as I said above, almost nothing has been forbidden so far. It's not a matter of not being allowed to do ANYTHING but about making sure first that it's not completely retarded.
PPS: maybe we'll see untouch back soon
08-24-2014, 03:48 AM
We just had a fairly long discussion and came to the conclusion that the rule shall be re-worded to make it clearer.
They call me queer
08-24-2014, 01:18 PM
rofl. I was asked to say something. I couldn't decide between troll or reason so I landed somewhere in the middle.
I would just like to point out how amusing I find it that I've been banned for things that were not against the rules at the time, and now players have done those same things and have not been banned now that they are against the rules :)
08-24-2014, 02:32 PM
Report them then if you want them banned, it's not like I'm checking wrcp demos.
They call me queer
08-24-2014, 03:09 PM
I don't want them banned.
Isn't keeping an eye on wrcp's your job?
08-25-2014, 01:39 AM
No it's not.
08-28-2014, 08:12 AM
08-29-2014, 06:13 AM
But please dont ignore my free speech-point, if admins rly want to gag what they think are idiotic comments, then at least make the rule for VIPS.
..Very simple rule: "VIPS are only permitted to gag spam."
08-29-2014, 09:25 AM
Take your shoes on!
08-29-2014, 02:19 PM
spammers are getting kicked
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