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View Full Version : Unfairly banned

08-22-2014, 05:45 PM
Name being used on the server at the time: on that good kush and alcohol

Time you were banned: 5:57pm

Number of people on the server at the time: no clue, was banned when I was off the server

Admins online(afk or not): Blink when I was on the server, who can give proof if needed.

Which admin do you think banned you: Deadeye

Why you think you were banned: I'm known as an idiot in KSF, however, deadeye banned me for "being annoying" and pretty much sticking up for myself against Caroline, the reason stated is for mic spamming and mute dodging.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37657534

You will not be unbanned until a leader of KSF or the admin that banned you posts if the ban will stay or be taken off, and why.

I'm known to KSF as pretty much an idiot, I pretty much always play music in the server and for that reason I don't get along with some people, including Caroline. What happened today was that I was playing music in the server as normal, everybody was ok with it including Blink. Fast forward about 15 minutes and Caroline joins in and from what I can recall, complains and mutes me. Blink proceeds to unmute me and I start bitching at Caroline for unfairly muting me. Me and Caroline don't get along at all and pretty much everytime I'm in his presence I either get muted, gagged, or silenced, usually the former and latter. During my bitching Caroline gags me however, Blink unmutes me as from what I can tell in his eyes, Caroline was going overboard with his powers. Now, Caroline and Deadeye have some sort of relationship so what must have happened is that Caroline goes to Deadeye and complains to him that I'm bitching at him, so a couple of minutes later Caroline posts a script from his chat with Deadeye with Deadeye stating that he's going to ban me because I'm annoying. At this point Blink steps in and tells Caroline that he's going way overboard. I start a chat with Deadeye which wasn't really a pleasant one but I was quite pissed off, basically the chat went with me saying why is he banning me when I have literally broke no rules whatsoever, him saying he's going to ban me because I was annoying him and he can make up his own rules (http://gyazo.com/a92e8d7cafadb191120f9ac5b46f7a36 , http://gyazo.com/5283eff07954f3decb842d04006418c1 , http://gyazo.com/7c9c7f05a661f2dce9adb32acf674588 (I can give full chat logs to any admin that PM's me)), and me pretty much saying stuff like this and calling him immature.(http://gyazo.com/4e18e086adfcbd0b5c2a061147a7685a). In the end I did act like a dickhead to Caroline and Deadeye which was a fault on my part and a fault that I accept, however, a perm ban does not justify anything that I did today and the "MIC SPAMMING AND MUTE DODGING" reason is a lie, which Blink can back up since when I was on the server today, I was not mic spamming (I was playing music which is allowed and which Blink allowed me to) and I did not mute dodge at all, all of which Blink can back up if he wishes to do so.

What happened yesterday was I was being retarded and playing Arabian music, however, it shouldn't really play a role in this ban since I did get punished for it by getting banned for a day.

In the end I feel like Deadeye overstepped the line with this with a permanent ban which was totally not needed.

08-22-2014, 06:34 PM
alright first things first caroline wasnt the only person who told me to come ban this "retard" yesterday. I joined the server and a bunch of ppl told me you were dodging mutes and wanted me to ban you. So i did i banned you for a day. You then added me on steam and bitched to me about a bunch of stupid shit saying playing music is allowed and that you hadnt done anything wrong. Next day i get messaged to come in and ban you again cause your being an annoying dick. Ya maybe blink unmuted you this time but guess what i dont like or care for anything blink says. You then began to message me on steam about stupid shit and just really annoy me so i permed you. Your a moron and the server is a better place without you. unless you have 15 dollars then idc

08-22-2014, 06:44 PM
So i did i banned you for a day. You then added me on steam and bitched to me about a bunch of stupid shit saying playing music is allowed and that you hadnt done anything wrong.

First of all, that did not happen at all, sure I messaged you, but that was only because I wanted to find out the reason why I got banned. I did say music was allowed because it is however thats how far it went. 2nd of all, sure, I dodged 1 mute but that was because I was unfairly muted by Caroline, if anybody had a problem with me playing music they could have typed it in chat or Caroline could have made a vote, if the majority wanted no music then I would have stopped. If anybody says to stop music via mic I won't be able to hear them since the music overlaps them and I have my voice receive settings down really low so the voice chat doesn't echo into the mic.

next day i get messaged to come in and ban you again cause your being an annoying dick.Yes, by Caroline, because he couldn't handle the fact that he was in the wrong and didn't like getting called out on for overstepping the line with his gags, you should know me and Caroline don't get along well and he will find any excuse to get me banned. Either way it isn't a reason to ban me because I was annoying you or Caroline

08-22-2014, 06:46 PM
ban qr pls

08-22-2014, 07:09 PM
I'm not gonna remain for the first ban. But when I read about the second ban....
"You then began to message me on steam about stupid shit and just really annoy me so i permed you".
Block him on steam? Please dont perm ban every1 you fight with on steam, that's retarded haha.
When you ban some one, you do it because the one has acted badly within the SERVER CONDITIONS.

08-22-2014, 07:09 PM
multiple ppl in the server did want you to stop and u messaged me much more about stupid shit that didnt even concern the ban. God your a fucking downie. nevermind evolv, keep this guy banned

08-22-2014, 07:11 PM
I'm not gonna remain for the first ban. But when I read about the second ban....
"You then began to message me on steam about stupid shit and just really annoy me so i permed you".
Block him on steam? Please dont perm ban every1 you fight with on steam, that's retarded haha.
When you ban some one, you do it because the one has acted badly within the SERVER CONDITIONS.

and he did by dodging mutes and spamming stupid arabic music

08-22-2014, 07:28 PM
multiple ppl in the server did want you to stop and u messaged me much more about stupid shit that didnt even concern the ban. God your a fucking downie. nevermind evolv, keep this guy banned

If you're talking about yesterday nobody in chat said they wanted it stopped, as said, I can't hear anyone via voice because I practically have it muted.

If you're talking about today than you couldn't have been a bigger liar, as said, Blink can back me up when I say nobody was complaining but Caroline and only but.

What do you mean by I messaged you much more that "stupid shit that didnt even concern the ban"? I only messaged you about the ban and the reason behind it.

and he did by dodging mutes and spamming stupid arabic music

That was yesterday and you banned me for a day for it, it doesn't relate to this ban at all since I did not dodge mutes or mic spam.

08-23-2014, 02:38 PM
if people on the server are asking you to stop and you keep on going then don't expect to have many friends here.

its annoying as fuck to have to voice_enable 0 before joining the rookie server.

everyone on the server is playing on a computer which means they have access to itunes or youtube or w.e. the fuck they want if they want to listen to music

gj deadeye scumbag down.

08-23-2014, 03:22 PM
if people on the server are asking you to stop and you keep on going then don't expect to have many friends here.

its annoying as fuck to have to voice_enable 0 before joining the rookie server.

everyone on the server is playing on a computer which means they have access to itunes or youtube or w.e. the fuck they want if they want to listen to music

gj deadeye scumbag down.

As said, the majority of the people who tell me to stop do it via mic, I am unable to hear them as my voice settings are practically muted.

You don't have to do voice_enable 0 everytime you join the server, you can either mute people via playerlist or you can have voice_enable 0 set to a bind. It's not my problem if you refuse to do those things.

If people don't like people playing music on the rookie server then why is it still allowed? There's no point in keeping a rule which nobody likes so there is obviously a demand for it.

08-23-2014, 03:34 PM
I can say he didn't break any rules while I was on the server yesterday but I don't know about the previous times he was on the server so can't comment on that.

If he has been dodging mute/ spamming annoying soundclips before I guess it's a deserved ban though

08-23-2014, 04:26 PM
As said, the majority of the people who tell me to stop do it via mic, I am unable to hear them as my voice settings are practically muted.

You don't have to do voice_enable 0 everytime you join the server, you can either mute people via playerlist or you can have voice_enable 0 set to a bind. It's not my problem if you refuse to do those things.

If people don't like people playing music on the rookie server then why is it still allowed? There's no point in keeping a rule which nobody likes so there is obviously a demand for it.

yea bro let me stop surfing every 30 seconds to find each mic spammer as they come, never mind the source bug where muting one person doesn't even work.

08-23-2014, 04:55 PM
yea bro let me stop surfing every 30 seconds to find each mic spammer as they come, never mind the source bug where muting one person doesn't even work.

Then you could easily bind voice_enable 0 & 1 onto 2 keys. Not really hard and it's worthwhile.

08-23-2014, 09:01 PM
you know you have to rejoin every time u toggle voice_enable right? Im not unbanning you. Come back when you have money pls. See you then!

08-23-2014, 09:53 PM
you know you have to rejoin every time u toggle voice_enable right? Im not unbanning you. Come back when you have money pls. See you then!
I haven't broken any rules and you banned me for "annoying you" which isn't a valid reason. It surprises me how you have kept your admin this long.

08-24-2014, 01:23 AM
im a fantastic admin

08-27-2014, 06:03 PM
Any response from evolv?

08-27-2014, 08:25 PM
The rules say music and quality sound clips are allowed, but obnoxious/annoying mic spam is not. What constitutes a sound as being annoying is completely subjective, therefore the decision to mute/ban is chosen by whichever admin might be on the server at the time.

VIP's can contribute with temporary mute, but the whether or not the mute/ban stays is up to the admin. Although VIP's opinions should not be influencing the decisions of members, if deadeye feels the sounds are intolerable he can keep you muted and if you decide to dodge, this will result in a ban.

A permanent ban does seem rather severe, but if you are purposely trying to cause problems in the server by spamming music and rejoining repeatedly to dodge mutes there can be circumstances where it is warranted.

08-28-2014, 02:25 AM
The rules say music and quality sound clips are allowed, but obnoxious/annoying mic spam is not. What constitutes a sound as being annoying is completely subjective, therefore the decision to mute/ban is chosen by whichever admin might be on the server at the time.

VIP's can contribute with temporary mute, but the whether or not the mute/ban stays is up to the admin. Although VIP's opinions should not be influencing the decisions of members, if deadeye feels the sounds are intolerable he can keep you muted and if you decide to dodge, this will result in a ban.

A permanent ban does seem rather severe, but if you are purposely trying to cause problems in the server by spamming music and rejoining repeatedly to dodge mutes there can be circumstances where it is warranted.

Thanks for the reply,

The day before the perm ban I admit was I was dodging mutes issued by Caroline constantly and basically trolling, which resulted in a day ban by Deadeye which is justified.

However, on the day I was perm-banned I wasn't dodging any mutes, or gags, and I was playing half-decent music over the mic which Blink and everyone else was fine with, nobody spoke out to say to stop until Caroline came in, which was pretty much an instant mute by Caroline.
I only got perm banned after Caroline complained to Deadeye that I was bitching at him and bragging about me getting banned in chat, which resulted me going to Deadeye and basically asking him annoying questions about why I'm getting perm banned and that resulted in him getting pissed off and perming me.

However, I do get unbanned I will not be playing any music/clips over the mic since it has gotten me into deep shit.

08-28-2014, 03:13 AM
Thanks for the reply,

The day before the perm ban I admit was I was dodging mutes issued by Caroline constantly and basically trolling, which resulted in a day ban by Deadeye which is justified.

However, on the day I was perm-banned I wasn't dodging any mutes, or gags, and I was playing half-decent music over the mic which Blink and everyone else was fine with, nobody spoke out to say to stop until Caroline came in, which was pretty much an instant mute by Caroline.
I only got perm banned after Caroline complained to Deadeye that I was bitching at him and bragging about me getting banned in chat, which resulted me going to Deadeye and basically asking him annoying questions about why I'm getting perm banned and that resulted in him getting pissed off and perming me.

However, I do get unbanned I will not be playing any music/clips over the mic since it has gotten me into deep shit.

My opinion; we Surf cause we like to surf. We go to the Disco to hear someone else his music.
You are the reason why i have voice_enable 0 in my config.

They call me queer
08-31-2014, 01:38 PM
I have to imagine that ksf's donate to be unbanned system is actually illegal and will not hold up in court.