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View Full Version : Unban request

08-16-2014, 12:12 PM
Hello, I was just permanently banned for "constantly spamming."

I have been a perfectly good contributing member of the community, even posting a thread before to get someone who actually was spamming banned.

I was muted for playing music, good music, not trolling shit like World Star Chopppers, Chop Suey, and Sandstorm. Which was completely requested. I was not even playing music until people had requested for me to play music, because I was playing music yesterday and I guess people liked it.

I was perfectly muteable. However, after I was muted a few times I actually stopped playing music and was just attempting to join the server without being silenced as I was trying to talk to someone on the server.

To say that I was spamming is absolutely ridiculous, it was hands down admin abuse.

I hope that you'll unban me. But if this is truly your policies that's fucked up and I regret nothing.

08-17-2014, 02:33 PM
I should mention that I play under the name, The Chair.

I would think that it is only fair to make this decision if I was consulted through steam chat. I would very much like to talk to anyone who has a say in the matter. I will be on today. Thank you.

08-17-2014, 03:42 PM
Had two different people complain about your "spamming", gonna unban you this time but if you're annoying people maybe you should think about what that might be and stop it.

08-17-2014, 06:31 PM
Had two different people complain about your "spamming", gonna unban you this time but if you're annoying people maybe you should think about what that might be and stop it.

You only heard 1 side of the story though.

08-18-2014, 01:41 AM
We don't ask our spammers if they spammed, I usually couldn't care less what they got to say. When there's a report (usually with proof) we ban them, and that's it. There's close to no moderation in csgo because no admin plays it, so it's handled somewhat different than in css. Just stop annoying people with your music if they tell you to stop or mute you, requested or not.