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View Full Version : surf_mellow

07-30-2014, 08:24 AM
I would like to add a map. I made it a while ago, before my big surf-break. It's called surf_mellow and I think it's pretty decent. This is my first map ever made. So have that in mind.

Thanks for taking time for this.

07-30-2014, 08:36 AM
A link would be nice so we could actually play it :P

07-30-2014, 08:52 AM

Here you go! :p

07-30-2014, 06:46 PM
I just beat the map. It's alright, kind of confusing at parts, but it should definitely get on ksf. Also, imo it's probably t3.

07-31-2014, 02:35 AM
It's not t3, you can even skip the last 2 ramps and surf everything super slow.

08-01-2014, 04:54 PM
It was a fun map, but rather confusing in some areas. The jump after the 3rd set of ramps was rather difficult, and every part after that was really easy, so the difficulty probably could flow better. Also, it kind of gets repetitive when none of the ramps are curved. Still, I did rather enjoy playing the parts after that hard jump though, I think those parts are Tier 1 in my opinion, but the beginning of the map is probably Tier 2/3.

That jump after the 3rd ramps is just going to frustrate beginners who, otherwise, would be able to beat the other parts. I'd imagine this map would be very fun to do fast.

Also, the scenery is very similar to overgrowth's style.

Otherwise, great map, I really enjoyed playing it

08-02-2014, 02:43 AM
No, the scenery is not similar to overgrowth's style. He just used the same wall texture and a grass floor, but overall it's totally different. Textures don't make a style.

08-02-2014, 08:04 AM
It's not similar in the sense of the geometry, but more in some of the textures being used plus the windowing.

I should have been a bit more clear.

08-03-2014, 03:46 PM
Map has been added to the server.

08-03-2014, 05:42 PM
(& people seem to like it!)