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View Full Version : [Request] Unban Request DMT

07-25-2014, 08:20 PM
Name being used on the server at the time: sv_swag 1, DMT, or swug

Time you were banned: 1-3 months

Number of people on the server at the time: Unknown

Admins online(afk or not): Unknown.

Which admin do you think banned you: I think it was automated and not an admin.

Why you think you were banned: I really have no clue. It was when I first began to surf in CS GO. I wasn't familiar with anything so all I remember was getting permanently banned for "Exploiting" when I did no such thing. I didn't really care at the time because I sucked but I've been playing alot lately on OG surf servers and got really decent, being a Elite donor.. I would love to be unbanned for what I believe was a mistake and any help would be much appreciated.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31166217