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View Full Version : [Request] Possible to reset ranks?

07-23-2014, 04:57 PM
Ok, so I have been playing on CSS for about 3 years now using my brothers steam account. But I would like to get my own.
So I was wondering if it was possible to get my account wiped on CSS and CSGO. Normal and Angle surf that is.
Because when i get my new steam account I don't want to be banned for having 2 separate accounts on the KSF server.

Shame too because I just got to Expert rank.

07-24-2014, 02:01 AM
I'm pretty sure it is not possible to reset ranks at the moment. But i checked your profile and you only have 1 WRCP, so that's not a big issue.

The rule: "If you do have a second account, please do not get records (including tops, wrcps and wrbs) on secondary accounts or you will be banned."

So I'd say start playing your other account, but do not get any tops, wrcps or wrbs before a head admin / evolv replies to this.

07-26-2014, 09:57 PM
Well I Don't plan on getting records on CSS normal but i enjoy surfing HSW and SW and CSGO normal i know i can get records with that even by accident.