View Full Version : [Help] Donation issues.

07-06-2014, 07:50 PM
Well, it is regarding cs:go, but that section of the forum seemed so empty I was afraid it would not get any attention :P I donated like less than 30 minutes ago via the KSF donation page (http://ksfclan.com/donate/). At this page it says that Gold VIP for 1 month equals 7,5 USD. I donated, waited until map change, realized I actually did not know what came with it, so I clicked the button below where it said "donation information" which redirected me here: http://ksfclan.com/forum/showthread.php?3503-Donator-Information-Silver-and-Gold-VIP-Information. To my surprise I find it said here

>Second: A minimum of ten USD is required to receive silver vip and fifteen USD to receive gold vip.

I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this wrong. But does this mean that the 7,5 USD that I donated in order to support KSF as well as trying out Gold VIP for one month, did not include the gold vip? I'm fairly certain I did not input any account information wrong

Account: Ikipikiflik
SteamID: STEAM_1:1:21243120
Email: [email protected]

If it turns out that the page is indeed outdated, I dont want to donate an additional 15 USD in order to try out to Gold VIP... So yeah, hope I will hear from you soon :)

Many thanks~

07-06-2014, 08:05 PM
The amount you donated is actually 1 month gold. You have been added will take effect on map change.