View Full Version : Votebanned by rookies for no reason. Please Read! - Mattpopo

05-29-2014, 09:06 PM
Hello, I was on the Hardsurf server on csGO today at 7:55, no admins were on currently, it was just me and 3 other rookies, and one of them out of know where voted to ban me and then the other three joined in, and it kicked me from the server and said im no longer aloud to play there, I have done nothing wrong, and I would kindly request that I get unbanned as I would really like to continue surfing there.

Thank you

Steam ID: Mattpopo
Time Banned: 7:55 ish
Admins online: none at the time
Other players: 3 random rookies
"Reason" for banning: No earthly idea, they just voted to ban me out of nowhere.
Server: Hardsurf csGO

05-30-2014, 03:23 AM
Votebans usually last 30 minutes.