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View Full Version : reimufag admin abuse

03-14-2014, 08:45 PM
It's Ruby here...

First, reimufag kicked me for no reason (I just asked him to look at !top #1 lol), then banned me for no reason.

I don't have screenshots, but I have the chat log:

*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : lets find out what morto did
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : trofle, today is your day
*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : make it 3
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : lol
*SPEC* [Master] Habitat- #Rank2Pox4Life : !top
[Surf Timer] - 2 minutes remaining
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at KSFClan.com/donate
*SPEC* [Veteran] nightmare-surf.com | Jabra : !tele1
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : i dont have a clue what that morto guy did
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : dude, wtf 9 seconds..
*SPEC* [Veteran] [reimufag] : calm down already
*SPEC* [PRO] bic : !top #1
*SPEC* [:koeienneuker:] ??g???a?? synki : remember to hit head tröfl
[Master] ?? ? Troflecopter : !surftimer
[Veteran] Euph : ffffk
*SPEC* [:koeienneuker:] ??g???a?? synki : if u have speed
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : !top #1
[Master] ?? ? Troflecopter : ya
[Master] ?? ? Troflecopter : !s 2
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : look that reimufag
[Master] ?? ? Troflecopter : !hide
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.
Connecting to
Connecting to
Server challenge did not have the correct challenge, ignoring.
Connected to

Counter-Strike: Source
Map: surf_unreal2
Players: 25 / 61
Build: 1909615
Server Number: 560

Attemped to precache unknown particle system "Rock_Splash_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "rock_splash_02"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "Waterfall_base_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_base_splash_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_base_splash_02"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "thw_waterfall_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_topSplash"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_top_splash2"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "Rapids_01"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_small"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterfall_medium"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "Water_Canon"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "water_gun"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "booster"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "waterwheel"!
Attemped to precache unknown particle system "pipes"!
The server is using sv_pure 0. (Enforcing consistency for select files only)
Ruby Lilly connected.
Compact freed 880640 bytes
Redownloading all lightmaps
Ruby Lilly (STEAM_0:1:39353100) connected from Brazil
*DEAD* * Ruby Lilly : ?
*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : bye nerd
*SPEC* [:koeienneuker:] ??g???a?? synki : s1 is lgit
[Surf Timer] - 1 minute remaining
*SPEC* rrerr Felix : ruby it's the same shit as blackside s1
*SPEC* [?] Morning : i just had gay idea
[SM] ??g???a?? synki: Initiated a vote.
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : what the fuck i did?
*SPEC* [:koeienneuker:] ??g???a?? synki : reimudog
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : what shit, felix?
*SPEC* rrerr Felix : someone glitched timer or something and it gave them wrcp for no reason
*SPEC* [PRO] bic : !top #1
stevo connected.
stevo (STEAM_0:0:53524535) connected from Ireland
[Surf Timer] - 30 seconds remaining
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : oh
*SPEC* [?] Morning : yeh it's like s2 and 3 on fruits
[SM] "Yes" won with 93% of the vote (15 votes)
[Veteran] Euph : nextmap
[SM] Next Map: surf_forbidden_ways_ksf
The Map has Been extended for 30 minutes
*SPEC* * Ruby Lilly : thanks for explaining me, instead of kicking me just like someone does
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.
Disconnect: Banned - No Reason Specified.

I know you guys are going to defend him. Do what you want. I'm just exposing facts, and it's not the first time he abuses of his admin powers (but yeah, I can't prove the other times).

03-14-2014, 08:54 PM



03-15-2014, 02:56 AM

03-15-2014, 11:29 AM
Cut it out reimu.

They call me queer
03-15-2014, 05:53 PM

03-16-2014, 04:58 AM
Let's say that im not in a big love with attention whores (or any kind of annoying ppl), so im using any possible reason to punish them.
So, its not full chat log. He asked pretty much the same question for a several times or was like "ONG GUYZ CHECK OUT DIS 1ST WRCP OMG" , so i counted it as spam and kicked him. He didnt realize why did that happen so i decided to give him an hour to come up with it by himself!
And what can i see now? "Admin abuse" thread? Such an outrage!

03-16-2014, 01:56 PM
hard owned...

04-02-2014, 09:06 AM
Let's say that im not in a big love with attention whores (or any kind of annoying ppl), so im using any possible reason to punish them.
So, its not full chat log. He asked pretty much the same question for a several times or was like "ONG GUYZ CHECK OUT DIS 1ST WRCP OMG" , so i counted it as spam and kicked him. He didnt realize why did that happen so i decided to give him an hour to come up with it by himself!
And what can i see now? "Admin abuse" thread? Such an outrage!

First of all, the only attention whore here is you. Look at the posts you reply to the topics here in the forums.

Pretty constructive, huh? And there are more retarded posts that you made all over the forums, go search them. Attention whore. (:

Second, this is not the full chat log? Post me the full chat log then, Sir. "Supreme Admin". I still remember that the "full chat log" was the same as this one, with the only big change that it contained a line saying that you "connected to the server". So, don't try to lie. Liar.

Third, I didn't ask the same question for several times. I was DISCUSSING about it with jiive. It's totally a different thing. Don't distort things.
You can clearly confirm this by reading the first line of the chat log:

*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : lets find out what morto did
Or, maybe you are blind? I'm sorry.

Fourth, I'm not the only one that hates you because of your acts. More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded". There are more people that don't like you because you simply gag/ban someone when you don't like something.

So yeah, we can figure it out that you are an attention whore trying to say "HEY LOOK, I HAVE ADMINS POWERS!!1".

04-02-2014, 03:09 PM
More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded".

04-02-2014, 04:08 PM
More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded".

Let me point out an mistake you maked. It's not "you are a fucking retarded" it's "your a fucking retarded". Please properally use grammer on here, or nothing you write will be token seriously.

They call me queer
04-02-2014, 09:24 PM

04-02-2014, 10:51 PM
More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded".

Let me point out an mistake you maked. It's not "you are a fucking retarded" it's "your a fucking retarded". Please properally use grammer on here, or nothing you write will be token seriously.

That's all you could write about the post?

That's right, you only criticize people. (:

And don't come to this thread if you are only going to criticize again, don't try to be a smart ass. I'm pretty sure I wrote more truths and that are more important than this simple grammar mistake.

And if you wanna try to criticize me again about grammar mistakes, tell me and prove me that you never misspelled anything in your life.


hahahahahahhahahahahah, NICE ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Now take that, joseph. (:

Deadeye, now go ahead and criticize joseph.

04-03-2014, 04:03 AM
hahahahahahhahahahahah, NICE ONE!!!!!!!!!!

Now take that, joseph. (:

Deadeye, now go ahead and criticize joseph.

Are you really stupid enough not to see that joseph intentionally fucked up his whole sentence?

04-03-2014, 05:36 PM
First of all, the only attention whore here is you. Look at the posts you reply to the topics here in the forums.
Pretty constructive, huh? And there are more retarded posts that you made all over the forums, go search them. Attention whore. (:[/quote:1aq702eg]
Talking shit = being an attention whore nowadays?

Second, this is not the full chat log? Post me the full chat log then, Sir. "Supreme Admin". I still remember that the "full chat log" was the same as this one, with the only big change that it contained a line saying that you "connected to the server". So, don't try to lie. Liar.

Third, I didn't ask the same question for several times. I was DISCUSSING about it with jiive. It's totally a different thing. Don't distort things.
You can clearly confirm this by reading the first line of the chat log:
[quote:1aq702eg]*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : lets find out what morto did
Or, maybe you are blind? I'm sorry.[/quote:1aq702eg]
Wow buddy ur so smart to post smth like that after like 2 weeks when demo of that session is already gone. Following ur brilliant logic i can say that u were mic spamming + spamming that question in chat for the whole session. Try to prove that u didnt, LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fourth, I'm not the only one that hates you because of your acts. More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded". There are more people that don't like you because you simply gag/ban someone when you don't like something.
Yeh... I heard ur friends arent in a big love with me. Such as Abronymous / Ricky. Oh well, russians too.

So yeah, we can figure it out that you are an attention whore trying to say "HEY LOOK, I HAVE ADMINS POWERS!!1".
Comming from a guy that was trying to provoke me by saying "ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!!!!!" in chat after that shit happend. Top tier autism (typical br tho but wotevs).

P.S. Ur putting not enuf effort in this thread. Comeback and try harder pls
P.S.S 10/10 would read again

Cthulu V2
04-03-2014, 06:48 PM
First of all, the only attention whore here is you. Look at the posts you reply to the topics here in the forums.
Pretty constructive, huh? And there are more retarded posts that you made all over the forums, go search them. Attention whore. (:
Talking shit = being an attention whore nowadays?

Second, this is not the full chat log? Post me the full chat log then, Sir. "Supreme Admin". I still remember that the "full chat log" was the same as this one, with the only big change that it contained a line saying that you "connected to the server". So, don't try to lie. Liar.

Third, I didn't ask the same question for several times. I was DISCUSSING about it with jiive. It's totally a different thing. Don't distort things.
You can clearly confirm this by reading the first line of the chat log:
[quote:2t77suei]*SPEC* [Veteran] freestyle : lets find out what morto did
Or, maybe you are blind? I'm sorry.[/quote:2t77suei]
Wow buddy ur so smart to post smth like that after like 2 weeks when demo of that session is already gone. Following ur brilliant logic i can say that u were mic spamming + spamming that question in chat for the whole session. Try to prove that u didnt, LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fourth, I'm not the only one that hates you because of your acts. More people told me that "you are a fucking retarded". There are more people that don't like you because you simply gag/ban someone when you don't like something.
Yeh... I heard ur friends arent in a big love with me. Such as Abronymous / Ricky. Oh well, russians too.

So yeah, we can figure it out that you are an attention whore trying to say "HEY LOOK, I HAVE ADMINS POWERS!!1".
Comming from a guy that was trying to provoke me by saying "ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!!!!!" in chat after that shit happend. Top tier autism (typical br tho but wotevs).

P.S. Ur putting not enuf effort in this thread. Comeback and try harder pls
P.S.S 10/10 would read again[/quote:2t77suei]

Not a single thing you just said countered his points.

04-03-2014, 09:08 PM

04-25-2014, 09:37 PM
might as well give up nothing will ever be done about it the admins get to do whatever they want at all times this has been made clear time and time again as nothing gets done wile the abuse just keeps on happening and when u point it out like u saw u get immediately bashed and shit talked because your point is real and they have no real excuse so they just turn to shit talk. its the usal just chuck it up as a lose n keep surfing ignoring the drama