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View Full Version : All Father - Its about time for a ban

01-30-2014, 02:43 AM
Ban request -

Name of the offending player: ][Voice_enable 0 ][ ??? ??? ??†???

Time when it happened: 12:30 am - 2:30 am 1/30/2014

Number of people on the server at the time: 12-20

Admins online(afk or not): none

Reason you are requesting this ban: The all father has continually been a problem for the server. He is an immature child who consistently abused his admin ability to !muteall and puts up immature and offensive polls in the game that are frankly embarrassing. He recently got his admin taken away, and that seemed to not be enough. He continues to act like a child and not only be an embarrassment to KSF servers, but a detriment to all of counter strike.

If you have ever been in the server when the all father has been there, all you have to do is read the chat to know that this guy is the biggest fucking idiot I've ever encountered. Since I don't have a demo, people who hate this kid will know to comment on this post, agreeing that its about time this kid got a ban, even if they weren't in the server at the time. This has been going on for weeks.

Steam ID of the offending player: STEAM_1:0:63111034

The console logs of the chat in the most recent offense. http://pastebin.com/qFsMK35A

01-30-2014, 02:50 AM
hahaha for startes never had admin or claimed to have had admin . was only a vip. !mute situation was handled. and the rest is just complete bullshit. if anyone needs to be banned its u for always falmming me on the mic. ur the one thats sore the the server . only people who have problems with me on the server are the trollers and spammers or shit talkers . so yeah im sure ur super butt hurt and wanna come here to flame. cuz only reason ur on the server is to flame and troll. so yeah cry a river please.

01-30-2014, 02:50 AM
and its more like no one likes u here kid. im in the sever all day everyday helping people n just surfing, never have anyproblems until u or people from ur lil crew come in an spam on the mic or start flaming me calling me every name in the book on the mic and flaming me in the chat box as well. i just dont give enough fucks about what u have to say to come to a fourm n cry like a bitch and make shit up and attempt to have u banned like you do to me. STAY SALTY mr butt hurt.
And i would go get the regulars who are always in the server to come verify that no one likes u guys ur never in ther sevrer until late and all u do is mic spam or flame me on the mic. the only reason u come is to troll me. witch u clearly stated in chat earlier

[Rookie] SteelPillow : we are a trolling clan
[Rookie] SteelPillow : who has targeted ksf

but its not worth the waste of time ur trolls are weak kid.

01-30-2014, 03:09 AM

01-30-2014, 03:12 AM
Yesterday All Father was crying about something and claimed that there "a trolling clan" that was "targeting the server"... I laughed so hard

Next day I say it in chat, he copies and pastes it here in a desperate attempt to save his embarrassment of a face.

Every time the admins come into the server he shuts his trap because he knows he will be muted/banned.

Every time the admins are not in the server, he spams and trolls like a fucking child.

01-30-2014, 03:19 AM
lololol making stories up as we go i see. so now im in the server spamming and trolling everytime admins arent there ?? haha yeah fuckiin right the admins are almost never there so ur saying i spam and trll all the time witch couldnt be further from the truth . i always am the same no matter who is there since i never troll or spam there would be no reason to change when admins come. GG if belive any of this bullshit u have half a brain.

01-30-2014, 02:51 PM

Cthulu V2
01-30-2014, 04:29 PM
chicken is literally the dumbest most autistic nigger that has ever joined a ksf server.

01-30-2014, 05:12 PM
chicken is literally the dumbest most autistic nigger that has ever joined a ksf server.

lol u mad bro ? get mad when i get trolled ? that makes alot of sense rofl.
it should say chicken is the only nigger to ever do ANYTHING about the constant bullshit that goes on in the cs go servers. you can ask anyone who is there on a normal basis or continue to believe these trolls. 0 fucks given. stay mad cth.

Cthulu V2
01-30-2014, 05:14 PM
chicken is literally the dumbest most autistic nigger that has ever joined a ksf server.

lol u mad bro ? get mad when i get trolled ? that makes alot of sense rofl.
it should say chicken is the only nigger to ever do ANYTHING about the constant bullshit that goes on in the cs go servers. you can ask anyone who is there on a normal basis or continue to believe these trolls. 0 fucks given. stay mad cth.

Why would i be mad? You're just an annoying cunt.

01-30-2014, 07:48 PM
chicken is literally the dumbest most autistic nigger that has ever joined a ksf server.
but because of him theres been alot of gr8 threads to read

They call me queer
01-30-2014, 10:01 PM
Pretty sure it's because of me.

01-31-2014, 01:13 AM
So ev0lv maybe silverthing can hopefully read this. But I was surfing on ksf 3-6 hardsurf server and a guy came on with my name (SteelPillow) and started mic spamming static.

He started pasting into the chat spam after spam about gamerfood clan or some shit.

I made a joke about being in a "clan of trolls" that has "targeted the ksf servers"

If you can handle it :

this kid actually took the time to make a new account, BUY the game, and sit there and watch the server list of players to see when I would join the server.

He copied my name using a bot and started mic spamming and chat spamming.

Check the time-stamps of this post, and then refer to the ban/unban post that will be posted shortly asking for me to be banned, with a demo of the person spamming - my name.

I cannot find his steam ID in console, because he used some sort of technique that I do not know to either mask/fake an IP and steam ID.

and hilarious.

Please ban this mother fucker once and for all, he is a child and I dont have time for this shit

01-31-2014, 01:22 AM

viewtopic.php?p=15583#p15583 (http://ksfclan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=15583#p15583)

01-31-2014, 01:30 AM
guise. guise... u do realize that u have 2be at least 16 years old to play the game?
fukken nerdz here

01-31-2014, 01:44 AM
I was in the server as this "text-spam" happened, there was another user who was constantly changing his name to Pillow's and flooding the chat non-stop while blaring the microphone with nonsense. I'm not saying that All Father (ChickenIsPro) was the one doing this, but it seems odd to me that it was just for Pillow and not for any of the other 4 people that were in the server during this time.

01-31-2014, 07:29 AM
lol the lies of this kid are to funny. u can check the log for my steam id i only came in the server for about 5 mins twice yesterday. from my normal account beacuse its not banned. but just keep belivie this kid im done wasteing my time with this shit i donated and cleaned up your fucking servers for you and this is what i get. you kids beleive some fagget fucking troll who does nothing but make up lies one right after another. first im accused of admin abuse for muting spammers and trolls but then now im being accused of spamming and mic spam my self ? like come the fuck on you have to be the dumbest fucking people iv ever met if u belive any fucking bit of that shit.

01-31-2014, 10:03 AM
So ev0lv maybe silverthing can hopefully read this. But I was surfing on ksf 3-6 hardsurf server and a guy came on with my name (SteelPillow) and started mic spamming static.

So you were on the hardsurf server when there were 4 people on (myself, your buddy tetra, you (who was impersonating "the all father"), and it just so happens there's another guy, who you claim is chicken, impersonating you impersonating "the all father"? The person spamming the server never once used your name (Steelpillow) whilst spamming, but instead used "the all father". If you're going to frame someone, do a better fucking job.

Seems pretty convenient to me.

Also, chicken, overreacting like that isn't helping your case any.

01-31-2014, 11:26 AM
Chicken confirmed that he experienced the same thing when I wasnt in the server... I think this whole time he thinks the guy spamming has been me. When in reality it wasnt. I will admit its pretty damn suspicious that he joined right as I did. It seems somehow it was timed for when my steam ID joined the server or something...

We are both in a bad spot, mostly because chicken just rambles and spam posts crying because he doesnt want to get banned, and frankly its fucking hilarious, and his reaction to my trolling him specifically is the exact response I love to see. I am a troll at heart, as you can see, but spamming for the sake of spamming when theres no one in the server isnt my style.

I am in a bad spot simply because no one believes me, why should they?

I am almost Beginner rank with 660 points. I would not take the time to rank up unless I wanted to be there.

Mute me permanently idc, but if you want to ban ask Carsy and JiggyNigga and Panzer and that swedish guy who lives in Japan I forgot his name. please just kill this pathetic thread.

01-31-2014, 11:28 AM
Actually, the spammer was constantly changing his name to Pillow's instantly as soon as it was changed; and he was, at one time, called SteelPillow. He left almost instantly after Pillow changed his name to The All Father, which is one of the reasons that I thought it was him.

Of course there isn't nearly enough evidence to assume that All Father was the one doing this, and I'm not saying that it was him.

I also find it very odd that trizkut made an account specifically for the reason of hoping to get Pillow muted/banned.

I swear to god, Chicken must be the most retarded fucking idiot that I've ever met. Even if it wasn't him spamming the server, he still deserves a full mute just because of the fact that every single thing that comes out of his mouth is irrelevant bullshit that's near impossible to decipher.

01-31-2014, 11:32 AM
Actually, the spammer was constantly changing his name to Pillow's instantly as soon as it was changed; and he was, at one time, called SteelPillow. He left almost instantly after Pillow changed his name to The All Father, which is one of the reasons that I thought it was him.

Of course there isn't nearly enough evidence to assume that All Father was the one doing this, and I'm not saying that it was him.

I also find it very odd that trizkut made an account specifically for the reason of hoping to get Pillow muted/banned.

I swear to god, Chicken must be the most retarded fucking idiot that I've ever met. Even if it wasn't him spamming the server, he still deserves a full mute just because of the fact that every single thing that comes out of his mouth is irrelevant bullshit that's near impossible to decipher.

Fri Oct 26, 2012 10:35 am

Yep, I made an account a year and a half ago just for this moment.