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View Full Version : Dontation Error

01-27-2014, 01:12 PM
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Hello,i don't know if i post in right place, if not just say me please.
Here is my problem when I made a donation in the Steam Username, I wrote my name I had in the game, instead of writing my name account. And instead of putting my SteamID, I put my name account.

what I wrote: Steam Username: Dr achourQc
Steam ID: mr_henqui

which should have be written: Steam Username: mr_henqui
Steam ID : STEAM_0: 0:15374284

Can you correct my mistake please. Ps: Sorry for my bad english.

01-27-2014, 05:58 PM
No worries, we have already gotten your steamid for you and added you to the vip list.