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View Full Version : Please unban!! :(

11-10-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi, my name is Paul. I registered on your forums because today at about 13:40 I was permanently banned from the main KSF server due to SMAC R1 violation (I had a bunnyhop script active at the time). I am extremely sorry, I was unaware that you could not use scripts on your server. It will not happen again. Could you please unban me? I really enjoy playing your maps even if I don't pass many. My steamID is STEAM_0:0:75410591. Again, very sorry for the troubles and I hope I didn't cross the line :/

Edit: Just read "Please read before requesting a ban" thread. Found out it also has to do with unbans. The post says I should state my in-game name: it's s?a????a?. I haven't a clue which admins were online at the time or the number of people connected. Sorry!