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03-10-2013, 08:21 PM
Unmute request -

Name being used on the server at the time: Overdrive

Time you were muted:7:45 Mountain Time

Number of people on the server at the time: Like 20

Admins online(afk or not): Acid Fries

Which admin do you think banned you: Acid Fries

Why you think you were banned: Because Darkstar went into teamspeak and told Acid that I lied to him and that I state my opinion about rook's. I really do not like Clay and Comrad, they get on my nerves and mute/gag me when I say something rude to them then trasht alk me right afterwards. Anyway Acid came in said I fucking suck at surfing. I don't respond, Dark says "Why dont you talk Overdrive". I do not talk. Dark types the same thing. I get perma muted and Dark says, should have talked when I told you to. I talk shit in video games people take it to serious.

You will not be unbanned until a leader of KSF or the admin that banned you posts if the ban will stay or be taken off, and why.

03-10-2013, 08:30 PM
*SPEC* [OldMan] [.:DarkStar:.] : Overdrive, are you not going to talk now...
[Surf Timer] - Felix has 1 spectators: Miniwaffle
[KSF Clan] - We need donations to help keep this server running! KSFClan.com/donate
Clay connected.
Clay (STEAM_0:1:42457887) connected from United States
Felix suicided.
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_lt_omnific
[Surf Timer] - Stage: 'Stage 10: qr t4' completed in 00:21:88 (+00:08:50). Total Time: 06:29:38 (+03:41:14)
Ricky - Zigalakaboogie connected.
Ricky - Zigalakaboogie (STEAM_0:0:28723461) connected from United States
'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
'userconfig.cfg' not present; not executing.
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
*SPEC* [OldMan] [.:DarkStar:.] : Cant talk can you Overdrive
*SPEC* [Casual] Pimpsuit #aAa : huh, are you insane?
*SPEC* [OldMan] [.:DarkStar:.] : Should have said something when I told you too....

03-10-2013, 09:25 PM
literally lol'd

10/10 would read again!

They call me queer
03-10-2013, 11:29 PM
I remember something like "I don't care, I make money"

03-11-2013, 06:03 AM
permamute? lol

03-12-2013, 01:07 PM
Lol, only evolv and me have perm mute.

Anyway overdrive, the magical powers of reconnecting have unmuted you

03-23-2013, 04:07 AM
No, Overdrive, not only are you uneducated about what actually happened, and still want to try to come on to the server and start your crap about rookies, and calling everybody that you don't like names that are not appropriate, I will tell you what I did, and not afraid of telling you what I did. It was not Acid Fries that I went running too, I went directly to Evolv. I went directly to Evolv, the KSF clan leader, and told him exactly everything that you said, and basically about all the crap you like to start about rookies, and the things you say to people you don't like, and run the community of KSF away.

First off, not only does Evolv and others take their time and efforts in making this server possible, I don't want a immature little brat like you coming in, and constantly bashing people because of their rank, or even the way they sound in CS or on Teamspeak, and making them leave, because they are afraid of the treatment that they are going to get from someone like you, thinking your all that, when actually, you not.

Second, when I discussed with Evolv what you were doing, Evolv had Acid Fries to come on to get you to talk, to,"defend" your case, but you nutted up like the immature little kid you are, thus therefore, making my case even stronger when I went to Evolv about the situation. Thank you for making my point alot easier.

Last but not least, I may not be a KSF member, and my not have the tag, but I will tell you one thing, if you come on the server again, being unmuted, and you even remotely say one thing negative to anybody, I will mute you again, and again. I will not stand for some punk a$$, immature acting little kid like you, running people away, or possibly taking the chance of this server going down, because of the lack of funds that someone may donate to help keep this server up, because you ran them off with your mouth.

You may be a good surfer, but one crappy ass friend. The problem was told even to Slaraka, and he came in previously to your perma mute, and asked you what was going on, and you bluntly lied about me, therefore, that is the reason I took you off of my friends list, and had nothing to do with you any longer. I hate lies and people that lie about their friends, and do not associate myself with those kind of people. I would have had your back, but flat out lie like you did, I have nothing for you. I hope you grow up soon....

03-23-2013, 01:51 PM

03-30-2013, 02:33 AM
I am following Darkstar's response, I will mute you if I ever see you again and hear a hint of aggression towards any rookies or me. In addition if I hear you say the word nasal I will also mute you.

04-27-2013, 09:12 PM
I dont always talk shit in video games
but when i do
it's because the map is to hard

04-28-2013, 01:42 AM
I dont always post on the ksf forums
but when i do
it's in a month old dead thread

xD lelelelelelellelelelelellelele