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View Full Version : KSF app's system

02-20-2013, 11:20 PM
I think we need to change the vote system because we are getting pretty much members and +5 or total of 5 yes's is now too easy to reach IMO.
So i don't know what you guys think or do you have any ideas how can we change this ? Or just put the criteria harder maybe ? People will need more acceptances from members ?

Let's talk about this.

And take this thread seriously please and keep it cleans.

- Anonymous?

They call me queer
02-21-2013, 12:12 AM
You're just saying that because you got in easy...

02-21-2013, 12:28 AM
why is qr even allowed to post in the ksfclan section?

02-21-2013, 12:30 AM
why is qr even allowed to post in the ksfclan section?

02-21-2013, 12:33 AM
or disable apps for a while, i remember when ksf was a small clan a long time ago

02-21-2013, 02:09 AM
You're just saying that because you got in easy...

Thats exactly it people get in the clan too easily. And I know I got in the clan pretty easily too but i did i think 3 apps before i could get accepted so yeah...

02-21-2013, 05:55 AM
you're right. because we have more members now (more so than ever i think?) we need to have more than just +5. maybe +7? also, i don't believe that we should be using a "maps completed" list for acceptance because that doesn't mean shit anymore. what about a required number of top10s or maybe wr's?

02-21-2013, 08:40 AM
i like jay's idea

02-21-2013, 10:29 AM
you're right. because we have more members now (more so than ever i think?) we need to have more than just +5. maybe +7? also, i don't believe that we should be using a "maps completed" list for acceptance because that doesn't mean shit anymore. what about a required number of top10s or maybe wr's?

Both of your ideas, I thought about them and I think it should be like this but we need more opinions of the members to group some ideas and vote for them.

02-21-2013, 11:45 AM
i think +7 votes, a minimum of 2 or 3 map wr's and/or 5 top 10's along with the map requirements is reasonable.. ksf is supposed to be a group of the most elite surfers, so our requirements should be more then just beating a few t6 maps and being voted in because someone is a real nice guy. for the map portion, we could do a point system.. like each wr is worth 3 points, each top 10 is worth 1 point and you need a total of 10 points to be considered for an application.

02-21-2013, 12:55 PM
obviously if a person has other skills, i.e. mapping, coding knowledge, etc etc etc etc, then that'd be taken into consideration as well.. i think this should be moved to the "ksf members forums" btw

02-21-2013, 01:13 PM
i think +7 votes, a minimum of 2 or 3 map wr's and/or 5 top 10's along with the map requirements is reasonable.. ksf is supposed to be a group of the most elite surfers, so our requirements should be more then just beating a few t6 maps and being voted in because someone is a real nice guy. for the map portion, we could do a point system.. like each wr is worth 3 points, each top 10 is worth 1 point and you need a total of 10 points to be considered for an application.

That could work.. or we could do it like this:
Rank Points Rank Points
*1 10 1 4/5
*2 9 2 3
*3 8 3 3
*4 7 4 3
*5 6 or 5 2
*6 5 6 2
*7 4 7 2
*8 3 8 1
*9 2 9 1
*10 1 10 1You need 75/100 points for the first pointsystem or 20/30 points for the second pointsystem to be considered for an application.

02-21-2013, 01:25 PM
i think +7 votes, a minimum of 2 or 3 map wr's and/or 5 top 10's along with the map requirements is reasonable.. ksf is supposed to be a group of the most elite surfers, so our requirements should be more then just beating a few t6 maps and being voted in because someone is a real nice guy. for the map portion, we could do a point system.. like each wr is worth 3 points, each top 10 is worth 1 point and you need a total of 10 points to be considered for an application.

That could work.. or we could do it like this:
Rank Points Rank Points
*1 10 1 4/5
*2 9 2 3
*3 8 3 3
*4 7 4 3
*5 6 or 5 2
*6 5 6 2
*7 4 7 2
*8 3 8 1
*9 2 9 1
*10 1 10 1You need 75/100 points for the first pointsystem or 20/30 points for the second pointsystem to be considered for an application.
i like this idea, do you think this wrcp's or wrb's should be taken into account? or just map times? i'd vote that we dont take wrcp's into account, but wrb's can be an extra 1 or 2 points depending on the point requirments.

02-21-2013, 01:31 PM
Yes, wrb's should be taken into account as they're starting to become pretty though to get.
I'd say 7 points for first pointsystem or 3 points for second pointsystem depending on which system will be chosen ofcourse.

02-21-2013, 01:46 PM
I don't think top 10's and world records would be as accurate in determining a players skill level due to the fact that maps vary in difficulty and so do top 10 records. Meaning that some top 10's are alot easier to get than others based on the map and which other players have attempted to get top 10's on the same map.

It would be possible to limit player applications based on their rank in the server. I.E. if they have a rank that is above 200, only then would that player be allowed to apply. I also feel that we may need to raise the amount of acceptance votes to seven, simply because of the fact that the clan is getting larger and a group of five people can quickly vote yes, which can give certain players an unfair advantage of getting in.

i think +7 votes, a minimum of 2 or 3 map wr's and/or 5 top 10's along with the map requirements is reasonable.. ksf is supposed to be a group of the most elite surfers, so our requirements should be more then just beating a few t6 maps and being voted in because someone is a real nice guy. for the map portion, we could do a point system.. like each wr is worth 3 points, each top 10 is worth 1 point and you need a total of 10 points to be considered for an application.

That could work.. or we could do it like this:
Rank Points Rank Points
*1 10 1 4/5
*2 9 2 3
*3 8 3 3
*4 7 4 3
*5 6 or 5 2
*6 5 6 2
*7 4 7 2
*8 3 8 1
*9 2 9 1
*10 1 10 1You need 75/100 points for the first pointsystem or 20/30 points for the second pointsystem to be considered for an application.

02-21-2013, 01:56 PM
the server is so popular though, i'd say 95% of the maps are quite difficult to get top10.. there are a few people i can think of that are under rank200 but don't have any records.. if someone wants to be in ksf i think it should be mandatory to have a top of some sort, be it the point system that we use, or minimum of x amount of Wr's or top 10s..

02-21-2013, 04:41 PM
I don't think top 10's and world records would be as accurate in determining a players skill level due to the fact that maps vary in difficulty and so do top 10 records. Meaning that some top 10's are alot easier to get than others based on the map and which other players have attempted to get top 10's on the same map.

It would be possible to limit player applications based on their rank in the server. I.E. if they have a rank that is above 200, only then would that player be allowed to apply. I also feel that we may need to raise the amount of acceptance votes to seven, simply because of the fact that the clan is getting larger and a group of five people can quickly vote yes, which can give certain players an unfair advantage of getting in.

i think +7 votes, a minimum of 2 or 3 map wr's and/or 5 top 10's along with the map requirements is reasonable.. ksf is supposed to be a group of the most elite surfers, so our requirements should be more then just beating a few t6 maps and being voted in because someone is a real nice guy. for the map portion, we could do a point system.. like each wr is worth 3 points, each top 10 is worth 1 point and you need a total of 10 points to be considered for an application.

That could work.. or we could do it like this:
Rank Points Rank Points
*1 10 1 4/5
*2 9 2 3
*3 8 3 3
*4 7 4 3
*5 6 or 5 2
*6 5 6 2
*7 4 7 2
*8 3 8 1
*9 2 9 1
*10 1 10 1You need 75/100 points for the first pointsystem or 20/30 points for the second pointsystem to be considered for an application.
Even if someone gets a top that is easier than a different map, this will raise the people who want top so this will be more "harder" to stay in the top and get more points if we base our application system about this. And I think the system skyline made looks pretty fair. And about the ranks, i personally don't think the ranks mean much because under rank 100 or so you only need a high percentage completion, correct me if I'm wrong. World record bonuses and world records checkpoint's shouldnt be in this ranking system because 85% of the wrcp's/wrb's are lagged /telehopped /teleglitched (maybe)

02-21-2013, 05:35 PM
If I were to have a point system, it would only be based on top 10's excluding bonus and checkpoint world records. I would also have to figure out a fair amount of points needed to join. I would also have to talk to unt0uch about it.

02-21-2013, 06:33 PM
If I were to have a point system, it would only be based on top 10's excluding bonus and checkpoint world records. I would also have to figure out a fair amount of points needed to join. I would also have to talk to unt0uch about it.
If you do, higher tiers (5,6) should worth more than others maybe tier 1 too because of the completions and the tops are always hard to get on low tiers maps like i don't know... lessons, beginner, etc

02-21-2013, 08:06 PM
If I were to have a point system, it would only be based on top 10's excluding bonus and checkpoint world records. I would also have to figure out a fair amount of points needed to join. I would also have to talk to unt0uch about it.
If you do, higher tiers (5,6) should worth more than others maybe tier 1 too because of the completions and the tops are always hard to get on low tiers maps like i don't know... lessons, beginner, etc

i feel like that will just make the whole process a little more complicated then it has to be

02-21-2013, 09:59 PM
If you want people to have more wr's / top10s you can still vote no atm, it's not like getting the reqs down automatically gets you in.

The problem is that if you vote no for someone you end up having to explain yourself to them and their friends and looking like a dick, so it's a lot more attractive to just vote yes or not vote. I think applications should just be done as polls where members can vote yes/no without revealing their vote. I feel like a lot of votes atm are just like "this guy asked me to vote for him on steam and I kinda like him so I'll vote yes even though I don't really know him or necessarily want to vote yes."

That and perhaps disallowing inactive members from voting (ie. Daniel voting for exydos) or something? IDK.

Ideally I think if someone gets +5 or +7 or w.e. it should be because the clan wants them in, and if theyre really that bad they shouldn't be able to get that +5 or +7, or the same people voting for a required amount of wrs/top10s here would be to blame.

02-22-2013, 06:04 AM
Instead of counting the amount of top10s you could count the actual POINTS someone is getting for top10s - "harder" top10s usually give more points, so it's not like a top10 on a brand new crappy map is worth as much as a top10 on rebel_resistance or something like this.
I also really support the idea of rapist to make an anonymous poll.

02-22-2013, 09:35 AM
Good discussion, keep it going.

While there are problems with the current way of voting. There will also be problems with anonymous voting. (You can think of them for yourselves)

02-25-2013, 08:12 PM
How about we just say...

Must be at least rank 200. [/*:m:5gh72m6w]
Must have at least one WR[/*:m:5gh72m6w]
Must have top10 on X% of maps at the time of joining[/*:m:5gh72m6w]

So currently there are 291 maps, so if you say 10% of maps, that would be 29 maps.

Something like that would be easier w/o all the silly point conversion. Though we wouldn't account for the rank top 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s. Anyway this would show that you are overall a good surfer, rather than just good on 2-3 maps.

They call me queer
02-25-2013, 10:04 PM
How many people in KSF now qualify?

02-25-2013, 10:33 PM
The point of this is to decrease the amount of new people eligible. If you are in KSF already, it doesn't apply to you (you joined early when it was easier, which is fair). Also by having % of maps to have top10, it will get harder to get into KSF with every map released (theoretically)

10% is a random number, the actual number should be decided by KSF members here if they like my proposal.

02-26-2013, 12:04 AM
I feel like that would just be encouraging people to surf the maps that no one else wants to for the 30 easiest top10s on the server.

I'd rather have a lower set requirement, possibly for X amount of top5 and X amount of top10, on less overall maps. If people have just chosen 100% easy maps then members could just vote no, but if someone shows up with a few hard top10s then that would be >> a lot of easy ones.

I still think the main criteria for getting in should be whether or not members actually want you in though.

03-05-2013, 09:20 PM
The point of this is to decrease the amount of new people eligible. If you are in KSF already, it doesn't apply to you (you joined early when it was easier, which is fair). Also by having % of maps to have top10, it will get harder to get into KSF with every map released (theoretically)

10% is a random number, the actual number should be decided by KSF members here if they like my proposal.
I don't know... I only got 63 tops only and im 8th on the server... its nothing 10% is alot even if its a random number. I would go for tops total points requirement at 1-3000 instead of % of tops since the points system is pretty balanced on this side.

Having 1-3000 is pretty easy to get... I got 63 tops for 23775 points.