View Full Version : xeriaN KSF Application

02-20-2013, 05:06 PM
First Name: Jason

CSS Username: xeriaN

Steam ID: 0:0:26059320

Steam Account Name: xerian844

Age: 19

Location: Louisville, Kentucky

Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS (estimate): around 5 years

Duration of time applicant has been surfing CSS (estimate): 2 years

Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF Server: 6 months

List of Skill Maps Completed: 243/291 looksmodern / legendary / sandman

Reason applying for KSF Clan: Since I have played in ksf i really enjoyed it I frequently join the teamspeak and i think all the members are really cool and i feel as if i would be a great help being a member of the clan

Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community: I have helped many people with things such as beating stages even whole maps! What i can do is help beta test maps help players with maps and possibly donate in the future and anything else i could be of assistance to.

Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone: Yes

Do you actively participate on the KSF forums? I did not before but I would do my best to post on the forums as much as possible

Do you participate on the KSF Teamspeak? Yes i actively participate on the Teamspeak

Are you currently in another clan? No

02-20-2013, 05:09 PM
Hell yes, xerian is always in the ts and hes a really cool guy. Hes very helpful and friendly. hes also a great surfer and would be a fine addition to the clan

02-20-2013, 05:15 PM
Yes from me. Xerian is a swell lad who frequents teamspeak and he's a great surfer.

02-20-2013, 06:44 PM
Yes most definitely, xerian is a really awesome guy and a great surfer who is constantly getting better

02-20-2013, 06:59 PM

02-20-2013, 07:02 PM
most definitely

They call me queer
02-20-2013, 08:31 PM
no guys a fag and rages all the time in mumble

02-20-2013, 10:17 PM

02-20-2013, 10:41 PM
any reason?

02-20-2013, 11:06 PM
Not long ago he was only a rookie. In few months he climbed the ladder very fast and he prooves us he is good. He is active on the servers and helps less skilled than him when they need help.

This is a yes from me.

02-21-2013, 05:57 AM

02-22-2013, 05:04 PM
Alright I have spoken with xerian and I feel he is dedicated enough to join. Accepted, but you better stay active on forums, teamspeak, server, ect.