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View Full Version : Ban request on .KODIAK. (More complaints)

12-12-2012, 01:33 AM
Okay I as said in my unban request, All I was doing was quietly spectating people and He starts kicking me for no reason given, Just keeps saying "Fuck off" and then he banned me without even giving me a reason, If He had asked me to stop spectating him, Perhaps I might have done it, but no all I kept getting told was to "Fuck off". There were several respected Community players on as well to witness this Darkstar and Skittles just to name a few. Now if spectating people isnt allowed, Please let me know so I can donate and then ban everyone on the server. not to Mention the previous ban request on him Which brings up the issues of:

using ksf clan tag
claiming to be owner of server
general admin abuse

All of those things that he is still apparently doing

12-12-2012, 03:09 AM
Sounds like you were going out of your way to annoy him so I don't fault him for banning you.

12-12-2012, 03:48 AM
Not at all, I was was doing was sitting and watching. Now if he had asked me to stop spectating, I would have been a gentleman and gladly done so. So I ask you this. How is telling someone "fuck off" and kicking them, in any way, asking them to stop? It isn't. Now if I were actually trying to annoy him I'd just pull a rooster and start blaring the worst shit music I could dig up.

12-12-2012, 11:07 AM
I still don't know who is that KODIAK, who apparently is allowed to use the KSF tag, ban players without reason and start votes for any map he likes. I've seen some in the last time, but didn't really say much about it.

01-19-2013, 12:28 AM
+1 against kodiak, I have watched him do everything Dan mentioned