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View Full Version : Surf_Reflex [AlmostRelease..]

Cthulu V2
11-18-2012, 03:54 PM

Still a work in progress. Much more to be done. that's just a sneak preview.

EDIT:The map is basically done as of now. I'm going to be releasing it as soon as the two other bonuses are complete. (There will be three bonuses)

Bonus 3 Was made by me.
Bonus 2 was made by Juxtapo.
Bonus 1 was made by Mvrouc.

It should be released by sometime this week.

Second EDIT: Map is Almost finished!

They call me queer
11-20-2012, 12:59 AM
why come spin tube into vertical surf :<

Cthulu V2
12-02-2012, 06:02 PM
Updated. Going to be adding a video of the complete map later today.