View Full Version : Radio.KSF?
09-24-2012, 06:18 PM
*December 15th; I am trying to revive the project somewhat. On page three there is now a streaming guide for playing into games etc.
*ANNOUNCEMENT October 6th:
Radio.KSF has an e-mail
[email protected]. This is a general contact and also we are doing a Q&A/ advice segment like the advice columns they have in newspapers. Don't expect serious advice, this is meant to be a fun segment so ask questions that can have humorous responses/ are humorous or even absurd by nature. So to pose a question you can use the e-mail for this as well.
I go by slaraka now, my forum name is outdated.
So just now in the surf timer I got some compliments for my voice when I was reading some stories. After talking to Joe, Dillinger, and Simply Downs, we feel that we should get into radio! Not radio as in airwaves, we are cheap! No radio as in some sort of internet radio type thing. Perhaps if we get some listeners who don't play on our servers here it they will be interested? Could be a way to get population.
We are not entirely sure what our DJ lineup would be like. I am pretty sure I want to do some sort of radio drama, Dillinger is likely a good candidate for music and what not. Other content that would likely work well with our station are Crank Calls, alternative news, and perhaps even a response to questions etc show. We are looking for suggestions as well as new(er) talents! We are quite far away from a 24/7 lineup, and we aren't really going for that right now. But getting as much as we can while also being sure to be able to have some reliable air times would be nice.
We are quite far from actually starting (new idea), but I am fairly confident I can do some sort of narration or drama. The others I have talked to will be considering things they could do and I am considering additional content as well.
slaraka - A General in the Prussian Liberation Army, slaraka's current show(s) are "Bedtime Stories with Uncle Slaraka" which are dramatizations of real world craziness read as
though they are fairy tales, and "A Small Dose of WTF", which are readings/ acting of rather strange, short stories I find online or are requested/ recommended to me.
If we don't generate enough interest, this will die. Just like all those kids in Africa you don't care about.
*UPDATE October 6th:
I made us our own steam group (staff only): Before joining please show interest in working as a staff through actions (brainstorming, posting on thread etc) to demonstrate you are serious as I do not want a group full of people who might be staff. Group is invite only so contact me to request an invite first: My steam name changes sometimes but I am usually slaraka or Spirit Animal #anusWasp (Do NOT add me just to ask if you can join, many good candidates for staff are already on my friends list so this is for them) or you could try contacting me on forums.
09-30-2012, 09:28 AM
Actually opening up an online radio station is not too expensive. Here are some links to online radio services ... tion_3.htm ( ... broadcast/ (
If you guys manage to get a legitimate online radio going, then I am willing to create a command that players can use to listen to while they are on the server.
10-02-2012, 09:09 AM
Yo Slaraka,
I think it sounds like an awesome idea and im also willing to put in some money to get this up and running. I will start thinking about ideas for things to be used for the radio. Cool Dj text about youself you got there! :D
10-02-2012, 12:54 PM
Thank you for your offer mausi, regarding the infrastructure Radio.KSF will be run off of I haven't decided yet. I have been busy with school but I look at things occasionally. I notice evolv was kind enough to suggest some websites that do it mostly for you. This may be a personal preference of mine to be ignored but I still want to investigate pros and cons with hosting my own server etc. I am fairly certain the latter would cost more and I am not yet aware how much our community will warrant that need. Most likely we will start off on one of the websites like evolv suggested and work up from there dependent on our needs. Evolv set up a /radio/ director on the website it looks like for us, if we were to switch to a VPS that I manage for it then we would need a sub-domain like "" instead of "" but that isn't terribly important. I think with the VPS I would use icecast because it is open source and interoperable with shoutcast. I have not thoroughly examined those sites yet but I am guessing that many of them require the stream to be accessed through a browser whereas icecast could be accessed through a more diverse array of things.
Too long/ didn't read/ I'm Danish - I dunno what are funds required are, thank you for your offer, and I am examining what infrastructure to use.
Donations specific to Radio.KSF would be nice because I do not want added strain on the main donation pool.
I had an idea for something but it would require evolv's approval. Evolv do you think we could do like contests for VIP status? I am thinking something like over a set time period (maybe a month) we would host a few contests and completing them (most contests will probably not be limited to just one victor) will earn a certain amount of raffle entries. At the end of the time period a random result will be made with more raffles correlating to a higher chance to win. The result likely wouldn't be permanent VIP, say if the contest runs for a month then the VIP awarded would run for a month.
Possible contests:
logic contests (maybe, don't want people sharing answers)
guessing who will finish in a surf race first
competing in a surf race/ general surf contests
map making contest (make a map based off of a prompt, not a whole map and not necessarily surf related but that would be most frequent, victor chosen by Radio.KSF staff, only one person would win and this would be worth quite a bit more chances to win than the others.)
and whatever else we can come up with!
Can't stress this enough, we need your suggestions for what you would like to see Radio.KSF do!
10-04-2012, 07:41 AM
Again i cant wait until you get the radio started.
My friend K1NG (who's american) would also like to be a Dj on the radio.
And i also thought about some sort of a music quiz competition where a person chooses a certain artist and gets like 5-10 seconds played of a certain song.
Anyway, still looking for ideas.
10-04-2012, 09:20 AM
If you guys manage to get the radio working ... could we finally put in the rule to stop playing music on mic then?
10-05-2012, 07:48 PM
If you guys manage to get the radio working ... could we finally put in the rule to stop playing music on mic then?
Not up to me but Radio.KSF will almost certainly have a lot of downtime or at least time when a live DJ isn't hosting a segment. I personally would like people to have a choice of what to listen to.
I made us our own steam group (staff only): Before joining please show interest in working as a staff through actions (brainstorming, posting on thread etc) to demonstrate you are serious as I do not want a group full of people who might be staff. Group is invite only so contact me to request an invite first: My steam name changes sometimes but I am usually slaraka or Spirit Animal #anusWasp (Do NOT add me just to ask if you can join, many good candidates for staff are already on my friends list so this is for them) or you could try contacting me on forums.
Simply Down Syndrome
10-06-2012, 01:39 PM
Slaraka this concept is very cool and i really wish that this picks up and the community starts to show more interest in this amazing idea. I am willing to advertise for this and tell people to sign up on the forums and give us some ideas just brainstorm and the Q&A segment sounds like it would be alot of fun and I can help with the money if that ever becomes an issue. Id like to do anything from Dj'ing to answering the questions doing that dare segement which sound like a very cool idea and i am extremely interested in but most of all guys please please please post on this thread show some intrest before this whole thing dies before it starts thanks you
Sincerely,Simply Down Syndrome
10-06-2012, 02:04 PM
Thanks for the interest Simply. What dare segment are you talking about? What would that segment be about?
Speaking of the Q&A segment this would be a segment for listeners to ask questions kinda like those ask for advice things in the newspaper. "'My husband blablabla...' 'Well shirley it sounds like you should blablabla...'" those sorts of things. If you do decide to submit questions for that try and make them have some humor to them/ our response has room for humor.
I made an e-mail for Radio.KSF,
[email protected]. Only I currently have access to the email and right now there is only one e-mail so anything that you don't want to pose in this thread (I'd like suggestions and questions that are unanswered to be posted here so everyone can participate although if for whatever reason you wish to privately contact about anything you still may), questions for the Q&A segment, contacting me about RadioKSF and all that is on this one address.
10-06-2012, 02:33 PM
Here is a sample of a based on a true story I just whipped up, it could use some work and the ones that appear on the radio will be more tailored to it, but this still will likely be aired.
*Bed Time Stories With Uncle Slaraka I - Fritzl is a satire by slaraka, and is not intended maliciously. slaraka has invented all names and situations in their stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental, or used as a fictional depiction or personality parody (permitted under Hustler Magazine v. Fallwell, 485 US 46, 108 S.Ct 876, 99 L.Ed.2d 41 (1988)).
"Bed Time Stories With Uncle slaraka I - Fritzl":
Hannah: Uncle slaraka-
slaraka: God damnit WHAT?
Hannah: Can you read me a bed time story? PWEAAAASE!
slaraka: Fine... So you know how everyone loves you very very much?
Hannah: Yeah, well sorta:
slaraka: Well one time there was a man named Joseph Fritzl who also loved someone very, very much. He had a very special relationship
with his daughter Elisabeth. He started to show that special love with her when she was eleven. Unfortunately she couldn't keep her little
mouth shut, and some corrupt government officials wouldn't mind their own god damn business-
Hannah: Then what happened!
slaraka: Just let me read the story and you will find out... Now where were we, ah yes. Although this would have been an issue Joseph had a
great plan! A final solution if you will. At age 17 Elisabeth had ran away but was put back in her place by those same nosy government
officials mentioned earlier. This time she was to run away again... but not really! By having her help put a door on a dungeon Joseph had
been constructing for the past couple years she sealed herself in and right as rain the love continued! This love continued on for
about 24 years and they had 7 children together. Much to Joseph's dismay those very mean officials caught up to him when he was so
graciously helping Elisabeth with their imbred son who had fallen ill. The little bitch once again could not keep her little mouth shut...
And unfortunately now Joseph Fritzl is being subjected to horrible conditions in a prison...
slaraka: Say do you know what the morale of this story is?
Hannah: No what?
slaraka: Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Hannah: OK!
So bed time stories is based on actual harrowing events. I will read them in such a way as to sympathize with the sick fucks with the tone of voice you would expect to hear a fairy tale read in! I may need some help with Hannah's voice though. If you know of really cruel cases and what not to tell me about they may become a bed time story. Also I feel as though this may need to have more content added, the air version will likely go into more detail about their children, how he dealt with them, and perhaps sex scene, this is just a draft to showcase my upcoming segments!
Anyone have some constructive criticism for me?
Simply Down Syndrome
10-06-2012, 02:38 PM
looks good slaraka just needs more detail in my opinion
10-06-2012, 05:52 PM
10-06-2012, 06:52 PM
slaraka said if i wanted to have a show on the radio i had to describe it here so
i would play the same shit i play on ksf now - reggae, dnb, hip hop, dub, jungle, maybe some dubstep, sometimes oldies / classic stuff
i have a big library and would really enjoy putting stuff together for the radio/radio show
10-06-2012, 08:17 PM
^ I have to look into the laws regarding royalties and copyrighted music etc. I want Radio.KSF to be very different than everything else. Keep it creative, what would your radio personality be like? How can the community interact with your programming block? Things to consider.
They call me queer
10-07-2012, 08:33 PM
As if anything in Radio hasn't been done...
10-09-2012, 07:45 AM
Slaraka asked me to post my radio-profile:
I would like to do a show thats called "Ask mausi". People can submit any question to me and i will answer one question after each song is played (if i get enough questions). Where to submit the questions i believe still hasnt been decided. I would take serious questions as well as funny questions or mean questions (would also be funny)
I would also be able to do other shows, or be doing regular Dj'ing, pretty much same genres as dillinger :)
thats pretty much it yea
10-09-2012, 09:32 AM
Mausi, I am managing our email at the moment "
[email protected]" and no one has submitted questions yet. I invited you to the group however am concerned that we will not have enough content if we don't receive enough questions (that aren't from Nigerians) to answer. I recommend that you think about other shows to do as well while we get the other staff members together, it would be a shame if when we finally start airing all you have is a block that can't be done half the time. Our email isn't floating around that much yet so when things start picking up we might get more questions.
P.S. You spelled "slaraka" wrong, my name is never capitalized (except when almost everything is capitalized such as in the title of a story.)
10-09-2012, 06:59 PM
Hi there guys...
I'm not all that clued up when it comes to online radio, but I do have an idea that would be cool for the plugin evolv mentioned earlier.
I envision something similar to that of the "Epic Radio" plugin which has a chat feature allowing the client to type "!request <artist - song name>" and subsequently presents the DJ with the request on his side (most likely accessed via the sm_admin menu). Another possibility would be to add support for requests while no DJ is active could be in the form of something resembling the "!votemap" plugin. Surfers could then type "!req" in chat and be presented with the current song list of the Auto DJ and be able to select one. If the song receives X amount of votes for request, it will be played.
If you had already thought of either, sorry to repeat.
Really hope you guys get this going, would be great!
If you are reading this and haven't posted on this topic yet, please do, I imagine the more hype it gets, the more likely it will be to happen.
P.S Simply Down Syndrome would be awesome on the radio!
10-09-2012, 08:13 PM
No we had not thought of that yet! I like your idea about the server plug-in, I'll add it to the list of ideas that require working with evolv (a feature to listen in-game, and a raffle for VIP and now this server plug-in.) I think that the DJ side of the ask DJ feature would have to be a little more involved. It would be a huge benefit for the DJs to not have to be in-game to DJ so I'd like to get a request list that can be accessed in game for convenience to DJs in-game while also providing a menu that is not tied into the game. If people request while out of game that would also need to go into the game I guess, but in due-time/ maybe I have my head in the clouds on that one, something for me to look into!
As far as an auto-DJ I have pretty negative views on this; you might as well play music from your hard drive whereas with live DJs you have the benefit of being exposed to things you haven't heard before and Radio.KSF is hopefully going to be choc full of original content.
Yeah I can see Simply being awesome as well. I dunno too much about his block yet though because he hasn't really done an outline yet, he mentioned some sorta Dare segment that he didn't describe well so I am looking forward to seeing a better idea of what that is.
So far the Radio.KSF staff is just me and Mausi. When I have more time I am going to be a tad more active in getting interest in this thread (talking to people who have shown interest, I am not a spammer.) Mausi's original content is primarily the Q&A right now so he needs some more. My original content is primarily radio dramas and what samples I have prepared are very early drafts. That being said I have a lot of room to work with so I am pretty comfortable with my block now, I am going to start getting a music library together (primarily of things you almost certainly haven't heard before!) You guys shouldn't be too focused on your libraries yet, find something get something but don't start primarily focusing on your music libraries while thinking your content blocks are finished.
Simply Down Syndrome
10-10-2012, 12:09 AM
haylo its Simplyyyyyyyyyyy I am interested in doing a dare segment for the radio show it will be done on a live stream from my webcam and it i select dares/challenges sent in by the audience example : milk challenge cinammon and stuff like that id also like to Dj i am into every genre of music classical country dnb rnb rap chillstep dubstep reggae and anything you can think of =] so no worries there i think my schedule would have to be after 4:00 on weekdays and 10 or 11 on weekends i love this whole concept and I really hope this Idea is brought to life by the support of the community so guys please do not hesitate to give your 2 cents we need anybodys contribution soooo please do it I love you guys adios [===
p.s. :D I love you
p.s.s don't tell anyone :D
10-10-2012, 08:13 AM
Okay sweet, well I will continue brainstorming for you guys ^_^
I vote simply for president :D
12-14-2012, 10:53 PM
Radio.KSF has been on hold for a little bit lately what with school and all. I feel like the last session of work done towards the project was a little too serious focused. Radio.KSF is about fun and I feel that some of the work flow here should be reflecting of that.
So our staff is not as extensive as immediately thought, some turmoil and some people who said they would commit but sadly wound up being unable to. Now I hope to cast a wider net of prospect DJs and we can hopefully work towards the original content ideas using music primarily as a platform to start instead of original content all ready first and then airing. This change is big and ask of opinions from staff and prospect staff alike.
We still want an emphasis on original content; we want to set ourselves apart more so than we already have. Crank calling is something I would really like to see however, that has been done a lot so we need to augment that with truly unique work. I have seen a lot of great minds in this unique community that we have assembled here and cannot wait to see what we can accomplish.
12-15-2012, 06:32 PM
Guide to streaming:
You will need
-Virtual Audio Cable IMPORTANT: (full version not trial)
Start off by going into your virtual audio cable control panel
You will only need 1 cable for the purposes described in this guide but you can add more if you wish; the defaults appear to be ok and note that when changing cables no program can be using the virtual cables.
Next up stream Winamp into your virtual cable. In winamp go to in the menu bar Options > preferences
Select output in the left panel and then select Nullsoft DirectSound Output; click the configure button.
In the drop down select your virtual cable, do not forget to apply settings on your way out of the menus!
-Winamp now outputs to your virtual audio cable!
This part is only required for those who have a mic that needs to be used...
Go into Virtual Audio Cable Repeater (MME) NOT KERNEL!
This will route a connection from my microphone into my virtual audio cable
Note the settings: Sample rate and the mono channel config are because of the limitations of the source engines voice codec; you can set these to better quality but it does not make a difference in many VOIP situations; the buffer time should be as low as you can without skipping etc (my 200 ms means that 200 thousandths of a second or 1/5th of a second delay between talking and reaching my line.)
Do not forget to click start!
Notice that we are outputting winamp and our mic into our virtual audio cable; in order to use it we must now set virtual audio cable as our default recording device under windows (some applications may have application specific settings)
IMPORTANT: Do NOT disable your microphone; although applications are no longer receiving input from it virtual audio cable is and needs it enabled to stream it.
Questions/ Comments?
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