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09-08-2012, 03:50 PM
I don't know why but I keep getting banned but I keep getting banned from all of the servers for no reason. I just sat in spectate and minding my own buisness then I get banned out of the blue by Acid Fries. I don't know why he hates me so much but I never did anything to him. It's getting really fucking annoying!


09-08-2012, 03:55 PM
Its because you paid for Vip idiot. Ksf likes to treat their 'VIPs' like Shit. Get Vip. Get banned all the time. Simple.

09-08-2012, 04:05 PM
Yeah he's been randomly banning me aswell. I'm not even doing anything to him and he just bans me cause he wants to feel cool.
Get this idiot's banning capabilities removed please.

09-08-2012, 04:12 PM
you guys are both idiots, showtime logs onto other peoples accounts to get them top times, and rooster gets complaints daily and yet when i come to the server he quiets down, funny.

09-08-2012, 04:20 PM
do u guys even know who acid fries is?

09-08-2012, 04:45 PM
you guys are both idiots, showtime logs onto other peoples accounts to get them top times, and rooster gets complaints daily and yet when i come to the server he quiets down, funny.
The only complaints that come my way are from overdrive. There is no one else who complains about me except him and he lies about shit I say all the time just to get me banned. The fact that you listen to Overdrive (who already hates me) and believe him without seeing it for yourself is stupid and immature. Grow up please.

09-08-2012, 04:56 PM
Not only that but you're banning people that SUPPORT the server and SUPPORT evolv by donating to him and helping him keep the server running. We don't support the server to get banned every time you're online. And you also make fun of the people who donate to evolv, scaring other donators to not wanting to donate anymore and making evolv lose money. You really have to think about shit before you say it. I guess you're too cool to think about anyone else but yourself.

09-08-2012, 04:58 PM
you guys are both idiots, showtime logs onto other peoples accounts to get them top times, and rooster gets complaints daily and yet when i come to the server he quiets down, funny.
The only complaints that come my way are from overdrive. There is no one else who complains about me except him and he lies about shit I say all the time just to get me banned. The fact that you listen to Overdrive (who already hates me) and believe him without seeing it for yourself is stupid and immature. Grow up please.

you're a fucking idiot i've had people come into teamspeak to complain that you're either mic spamming some awful shit that no one wants to hear or you'll talk shit on shit until i go in then you be quiet, i don't even have overdrive on friends or even know who he is you faggot. stop bitching.

09-08-2012, 04:59 PM
oh and if you single me out for talking shit to the people that donate you're a fucking retard i bag on everyone that's what i do you cry about every little thing, you have no idea who i am so read the motd and it might help you figure things out, i talk shit to everyone you pussy

09-08-2012, 05:02 PM
[quote="Acid-Fries":2fqabt96]you guys are both idiots, showtime logs onto other peoples accounts to get them top times, and rooster gets complaints daily and yet when i come to the server he quiets down, funny.
The only complaints that come my way are from overdrive. There is no one else who complains about me except him and he lies about shit I say all the time just to get me banned. The fact that you listen to Overdrive (who already hates me) and believe him without seeing it for yourself is stupid and immature. Grow up please.

you're a fucking idiot i've had people come into teamspeak to complain that you're either mic spamming some awful shit that no one wants to hear or you'll talk shit on shit until i go in then you be quiet, i don't even have overdrive on friends or even know who he is you faggot. stop bitching.[/quote:2fqabt96]

The only person I talk shit to is overdrive because he talks shit to me for no reason. You need to get your little facts straight and stop making up excuses for randomly banning people.

09-08-2012, 05:05 PM
oh and if you single me out for talking shit to the people that donate you're a fucking retard i bag on everyone that's what i do you cry about every little thing, you have no idea who i am so read the motd and it might help you figure things out, i talk shit to everyone you pussy
Saying shit like "he paid to get gold VIP cause he's a faggot who paid for admin etc etc" is singling DONATORS out you retard. I don't hear you talking shit to anyone but me when I'm in the server so you can quit your lying bullshit and act your age.

09-08-2012, 05:08 PM
yet you don't bring up the fact that you mic spam constantly

09-08-2012, 05:15 PM
yet you don't bring up the fact that you mic spam constantly
It's not mic spam if people request a song and like your music. You're allowed to play music on KSF and when someone tells me to turn a song off I do. I don't see what the big problem is with you and people playing music. "No 1 wants 2 hear ur SHit musix f4ggot" just shut the fuck up.

09-08-2012, 05:19 PM
hahaha i can go into the server right now and the majority of the server would say they hate your music and everything you play, they also say you mute people just to play your shit, and i don't recall talking like a neanderthal so stop trying to be funny you faggot. just shut the fuck up.

09-08-2012, 05:32 PM
hahaha i can go into the server right now and the majority of the server would say they hate your music and everything you play, they also say you mute people just to play your shit, and i don't recall talking like a neanderthal so stop trying to be funny you faggot. just shut the fuck up.
My head is about to explode talking to your faggot ass so I'm just going to say you won and I hope you feel good about yourself again. Peace

09-08-2012, 05:34 PM
someone give me the !wr for destroying this faggot

09-08-2012, 06:26 PM
Just sayin' but theres actually a rule in the motd that says you CAN play music.

09-08-2012, 06:44 PM
I see a complaint, but no reason to complain to be honst. Acid did everything correct, both bans are quite reasonable.

1st one should be turned into perm anyway..
(2nd one, .. whether it is Mic Spam or not, the admin should decide over it)

prad bitt
09-08-2012, 10:25 PM
Rooster here is a fun fact, I play with sound off and constantly see your name on my screen. Everytime I put up a vote saying Mute Rooster? It always is voted yes. Not many people like your shit, listen to your fucking music yourself cause the whole server doesnt wanna here that shit. Some might even be playing music of their own and you interrupt it. Surf and listen to music, but don't fucking spam it to everyone else. Also why should showtime be banned for playing on other people accs? Just remove the alleged times and be done with it. Showtime is an avid surfer and was just messing around with friends. Why ruin all his prs?

09-08-2012, 10:34 PM
acid fries is cool. :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:

They call me queer
09-08-2012, 11:32 PM
Ban Mr.Cow.

09-09-2012, 01:40 AM
Rooster here is a fun fact, I play with sound off and constantly see your name on my screen. Everytime I put up a vote saying Mute Rooster? It always is voted yes. Not many people like your shit, listen to your fucking music yourself cause the whole server doesnt wanna here that shit. Some might even be playing music of their own and you interrupt it. Surf and listen to music, but don't fucking spam it to everyone else. Also why should showtime be banned for playing on other people accs? Just remove the alleged times and be done with it. Showtime is an avid surfer and was just messing around with friends. Why ruin all his prs?

nope ban

09-09-2012, 03:52 AM
Rooster, seriously, your music annoys most people. I'm always questioning myself why people want to listen to that crappy quality ingame instead of playing some music on their own without pissing others off. And since you can unmute yourself when he's gone a ban might be harsh but the only solution sometimes.
Concerning ShowTime.. if it's really as you say, that he's playing for others, he definetly deserves some kind of punishment. Not gonna say he needs a perm, but something so he doesn't do it again.

09-09-2012, 05:09 AM
Rooster here is a fun fact, I play with sound off and constantly see your name on my screen. Everytime I put up a vote saying Mute Rooster? It always is voted yes. Not many people like your shit, listen to your fucking music yourself cause the whole server doesnt wanna here that shit. Some might even be playing music of their own and you interrupt it. Surf and listen to music, but don't fucking spam it to everyone else. Also why should showtime be banned for playing on other people accs? Just remove the alleged times and be done with it. Showtime is an avid surfer and was just messing around with friends. Why ruin all his prs?
why should someone else have to work out what times are / aren't legit. if showtime wants to mess around then others shouldnt have to waste hours working out what is / isn't legit. penalty should just be removal of all times IMO.

09-09-2012, 10:16 PM
Showtime has been caught playing on multiple accounts and also letting players onto his account. On top of this he has been caught timescaling a dynasty record.

The fact that showtime isn't permanently banned still amazes me. As for Check 'em claiming "I treat vips like shit", every single VIP that has existed on this server has received more than their three months worth of service and no one's vip has ever been revoked.

Showtime is the only VIP I continuously have problems with and somehow still has VIP when it should have been revoked A LONG TIME AGO.

09-09-2012, 10:19 PM
Its because you paid for Vip idiot. Ksf likes to treat their 'VIPs' like Shit. Get Vip. Get banned all the time. Simple.

If showtime had come to me politely (like Dillinger or Simply Down Syndrome) explaining his problems in a calm and respectful manor, I would have been glad to have stopped Acid from banning him.

I can now see that your only goal checkem is to spread lies and slander which have no factual basis whatsoever, because of your attempts to tarnish the reputation of KSF I cannot allow you to participate in our server or community any longer.

09-09-2012, 10:26 PM
Yeah he's been randomly banning me aswell. I'm not even doing anything to him and he just bans me cause he wants to feel cool.
Get this idiot's banning capabilities removed please.

I will have acid refrain from banning you. If you continue to have problems please message me on steam.

09-10-2012, 08:33 AM
ShowTime time scales? Well that would explain how he raped my vege wrcp. (not saying I'm good) (not saying I care about wrcps)

09-10-2012, 09:23 AM

Tick 189,000

Laggy improvement times, until he gets rank #4 with a slow laggy run. Then directly after getting the record, the lag magically stops.

09-10-2012, 03:42 PM
Lag magically stops because I stopped surfing. It was probably just a short lag and when I noticed that none of my cp1 times were as fast as before I just stopped surfing and went to spectate, probably why you wouldn't notice anymore lags.

09-10-2012, 04:23 PM
Obvious timescaling in this demo, horrendus surf, would be + 2-3 secs if he didn't timescale it, or even more, but its + >1sec. This permban is overdue already..

09-10-2012, 04:24 PM
You lagged through the whole demo in this weird way, and it weren't normal lags.
You kinda went fast forward every 3-4s, watch it yourself. And then, after your rank 4, it stopped.
Furthermore, your run was +2 or even slower - watch Yamaans vid in comparison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wTpIdI16vo
Concerning how badly you surfed that it wasn't even close to +.8.

09-10-2012, 05:20 PM
Great now Deadeye is banning me for no reason, this is really annoying. I just want to surf I haven't done anything to him. If you don't believe me I really don't care but the truth is I didn't cheat any of my times. If you believe that that time is cheated than please be my guest and remove it. Otherwise stop banning me after evolv said not to.

09-10-2012, 05:27 PM
Evolv never said that anyone would stop banning you.

"If showtime had come to me politely (like Dillinger or Simply Down Syndrome) explaining his problems in a calm and respectful manor, I would have been glad to have stopped Acid from banning him."

09-10-2012, 05:53 PM

09-10-2012, 06:14 PM
Can you just stop banning me. Please? I'm sorry for upsetting you all with admitting what I was doing before I got perm banned for doing it more. I'm sorry for lagging and making it look like a timescale I didn't mean for that to happen. Just please leave me alone, I'm sure you can understand that this is kind of frustrating

09-10-2012, 06:58 PM
Can you just stop banning me. Please? I'm sorry for upsetting you all with admitting what I was doing before I got perm banned for doing it more. I'm sorry for lagging and making it look like a timescale I didn't mean for that to happen. Just please leave me alone, I'm sure you can understand that this is kind of frustrating

rofl do you know who kabuu is, hope you had fun while it lasted

09-11-2012, 02:55 AM
Hi everyone

09-11-2012, 09:58 PM

They call me queer
09-11-2012, 11:13 PM
tarnish the reputation of KSF

09-12-2012, 03:11 PM
Just lagged on insignia s1 remove the time please. I wasn't aware of the lag.

09-12-2012, 09:40 PM
well were not gonna have to worry about that happening ever again

10-10-2012, 04:36 PM
oh and if you single me out for talking shit to the people that donate you're a fucking retard i bag on everyone that's what i do you cry about every little thing, you have no idea who i am so read the motd and it might help you figure things out, i talk shit to everyone you pussy

Guys, it's okay, he talks shit to everyone. It's a free-pass kinda deal.

He is a big shot in a CS:S surf server. Didn't you read the MOTD? He is like a god.

Too bad he is just venting his pain from the real world. It's a simple projecting disorder. Can't handle the stress from his day-2-day life so he is a total jackass on the server.

It's okay buddy, we're here for you.

10-10-2012, 04:54 PM
lol that's all the kids say when they get heated at me, i have a very stress free life, but from the looks of it, i might have brought your stress levels up

10-10-2012, 05:26 PM
Too bad he is just venting his pain from the real world. It's a simple projecting disorder. Can't handle the stress from his day-2-day life so he is a total jackass on the server.
says the guy reviving old threads to insult somebody.