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View Full Version : More maps

09-03-2012, 10:11 AM
Figured the server could use a few more maps to play.

surf_trinity_beta2 - http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/109268

surf_molstration - http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/72624

surf_animals - http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/85744

surf_aether - http://gamebanana.com/maps/160461

surf_familiar - http://www.sendspace.com/file/em78fw (Had to upload this myself)

Guess that's all.

09-03-2012, 01:10 PM
i highly disapprove of the first 2, trinity, no offence to geier but trinity is a whole bug, and lodys map is not really a map which i think is fun 2play

other maps you could add:

*surf_auroria http://gamebanana.com/maps/160197
*surf_pinky http://gamebanana.com/maps/111120 poorly made map but i somehow like it
*surf_exocube medium version sorry have no link

09-03-2012, 02:32 PM
Animals is just terrible imo. Molstration was a 1-ramp-per-stage map, wasn't it? Not cool either.
Aether looked really good from what I've seen, Auroria has already been fixed and is (almost?) ready to upload as I heard.

09-03-2012, 04:52 PM
Animals is just terrible imo. Molstration was a 1-ramp-per-stage map, wasn't it? Not cool either.
Aether looked really good from what I've seen, Auroria has already been fixed and is (almost?) ready to upload as I heard.

Animals isn't too bad. I like it quite a bit. Molstration I guess I can understand and yes it was the 1-2 ramp per stage map. Aether I think looks great and should be added, same as auroria.

And joseph, personally I think pinky looks kinda bad but hey, that's just me.

09-04-2012, 02:37 PM
Aether is horribly laggy(which is mostly my fault because I was supposed to optimize it but that would've taken way too much work so I just cleaned it up a little for scaz). It probably shouldn't be added as it is now (I can probably work with scaz to get a better version released).

best maps.

Pinky is pretty bad, trinity is epic and should be added (although I remember after the 2009 update there was some problem where the teleports on the map threw KAC anti cheat violations).

There's a slightly fixed up or something version of surf_animals by pandemic called surf_animals_intox or surf_animals_fix or something, but I'm pretty sure he just deleted the jail in hammer.

And how could I forget the amazing, 2 mile per hour surf experience that is surf_drain (also known as surf_anything(anywhere?)). Great map besides the clipped ramps causing a bunch of ramp glitches.

09-04-2012, 04:01 PM
At least all maps should be tested and fixed, like making playerclips over badly clipped ramps and fixing telehops etc.
I'd offer to do that as well.

09-04-2012, 04:33 PM


09-05-2012, 04:20 AM
best maps.

While reading through this thread I was also thinking of surf_and_destroy... it indeed should be added.
It's a very good map!

09-05-2012, 09:39 AM
Another classic map that should be added.

surf_morbid http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/82932

Here's the link for surf and destroy too - http://gamebanana.com/css/maps/51959

09-05-2012, 03:04 PM
Morbid is already on the server

09-05-2012, 07:00 PM
Morbid is already on the server

Yeah, just found out today. Didn't realise D:

11-06-2012, 07:59 AM
+1 on auroria, awesome map great bonus