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View Full Version : Wicked

05-26-2012, 02:05 PM
Some of you might remember Wicked who used to be in KSF, then left to go die while in intox (intox members seem to die, which is a good thing)

Anyway, I left a message telling him to rot in hell etc etc on his profile and this happened:

{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: hey ca u do me a fav?
KrautHammer|ksf: who are you and what favor and why
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: well u see you left a message on a really good friend of mines wall and I wanted to know if you could ge rid of it
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: he died and the message you left was kinda mean...
KrautHammer|ksf: No, nothing in that message was untrue, therefore I will not remove it.
KrautHammer|ksf: Although your polite demeanor was mildly convincing.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: please... his lil sister is pset about it
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: upset*
KrautHammer|ksf: Then she shouldn't read his Steam account stuff.
KrautHammer|ksf: Do you know how many people he would rag on when he was alive?
KrautHammer|ksf: It's only suiting that in death he should be ragged on.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: well I read it and asked her if she knew his pw
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: its just a game.. people do it all the time.. do you know how many people talk shit about me?? But I dont take it to hear
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: heart
KrautHammer|ksf: He never talked shit to me.
KrautHammer|ksf: He and I were in the same clan together for a long time.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: so why leave that then?
KrautHammer|ksf: It's really none of your business why I do what I do.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: I knew him in personand he was a reall ice kid
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: nice
KrautHammer|ksf: Ok and?
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: Im not being mean about it.. can u please just remove it??
KrautHammer|ksf: If you pay me for the trouble of deleting it, yes.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: lol thats funny
KrautHammer|ksf: So is your reques that I should remove it out of the goodness of my "heart"
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: yes
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: thats not asking for much
KrautHammer|ksf: Yeah, wicked himself wouldn't expect me to remove it.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: what if it was someone tat u spent you whole life with and someone left a mean message how would u feel
KrautHammer|ksf: I wouldn't care.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: well i do!!
KrautHammer|ksf: My opinion of people doesn't change based on what someone online thinks.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: ok.. whatever I tryed..
KrautHammer|ksf: That you did.

05-26-2012, 02:21 PM
KrautHammer|ksf: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3538 (http://ksfclan.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3538)
KrautHammer|ksf: here, be sure to leave some love
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: im so glad that you were entertained.. ood to know that ones sadness bring you joy in life
KrautHammer|ksf: It's the whole "anothers mans trash is anothers mans treasure" arguement
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: well the way I see it is this.. you should have never posted that and he died like ow lon ago and you wait till not that long ago to post that on his profile!1 Come on dude really I mean why?/
KrautHammer|ksf: I hadn't noticed he was dead until a few people were linking his obituary to our Teamspeak
KrautHammer|ksf: Felt obligated to share my view on the matter =)
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: view on what?? telling him to rot in hell that is foot ball team sucks... lol F.Y.I I myself live in PA and m team does not suck!!!
KrautHammer|ksf: Yes they do! The Steelers are old, and washed up.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: if you really new Shawn the way I did you would think twice about leaving someting like that
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: whatever.. what is done is done and no matter what I sa it wont change anything
KrautHammer|ksf: Are you fat?
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: no
KrautHammer|ksf: Good for you!
KrautHammer|ksf: I'm proud of you.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: huh
KrautHammer|ksf: Fat girls are disgusting.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: im far from fat what does that have to do with anthing
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: and thats not nice either
KrautHammer|ksf: How did wicked die, I never bothered to find out
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: his kidney's failed him
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: he was sick for a long tome
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: time
KrautHammer|ksf: Probably because they couldn't handle the tremendous weight he was carrying.
KrautHammer|ksf: He ate a pound of candy on the webcam one time.
{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: WHAT THE HELL.. really
KrautHammer|ksf: Gross.

05-26-2012, 02:25 PM
(one more, this one is hilarious)

{Tß?}HardCoreChinaDoll: whatever.. so b/c I weight 115 pounds means I ned to eat mor ethen right
KrautHammer|ksf: No, that might damage your figure and since you clearly don't have a brain, you would be worthless if you stopped being at a sexy weight.
KrautHammer|ksf: No offense.
KrautHammer|ksf: =)

05-26-2012, 05:26 PM
lol, Wicked would have wanted us to make fun of him! I'm sure he would be disappoint if we sat around crying as if he was an intox member.