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View Full Version : Unban request, dunno why banned

05-05-2012, 04:11 AM
Name being used on the server at the time: m1dy @ new keyboard :3
Time you were banned: 12:50 - 13:05 GMT +2
Number of people on the server at the time: over 35 i think

Admins online(afk or not): not sure

Which admin do you think banned you: No one

Why you think you were banned: I dont really know I just execced my FPS Config on the server, then it banned me sayin im cheating, maybe illegal commands on the config, havent checked it
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30040835

Additional Comments: Ive been surfing on the server sumthin around 6 months or something, and the game started lagging a bit for me then i thoud the cfg havent executed and i typed to console "exec atza" (maker of cfg) and then it banned me sayin something that Banned for cheating or something. Pls unban me i like surfing on the server

Thank you, your m1dy

E: Got unbanned, dunno if permament or someone unbanned but im happy now. Thank you :3

05-05-2012, 02:38 PM
99% if not all except for one admin, do not have permanent ban. The max most admins will be able to ban you for is 1 hour.