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View Full Version : Admin Abuse (Deadeye) Again, it seems

03-24-2012, 05:24 PM
I was surfing on KSF, my favourite surf server. Minding my own business, even having a laugh, as usual. We had been playing the same map for about 40 minutes and I was getting quite bored, and frustrated at stage 7. Suddenly, Deadeye joins the game.

There was only 1 or so minutes left on the clock, and I was looking forward to the next map. Seaworld. A vote appears. 'Extend the map by 10 mins?' 1 vote by Deadeye. The vote stops. Clearly abusing his privileges as a moderator. A lot of people complain, but to which he replies 'Am I supposed to care?'

After another 10 frustrating minutes, the same vote appears. He ends the vote when it is positive, so that it re-extends. I have encountered this before on most maps, but not someone that would stop the vote. Because this has happened before, and because I was frustrated at the map, I said something that I shouldn't have said, and I understand it was wrong. 'Worst selection of moderators'.

To which Deadeye replies: 'No, just me.'

And now I am banned from the server. I have seen from previous complaint threads that Deadeye is a repeat offender, and being a moderator of another prosperous community, it is pathetic and degrading to the rest of the community. He is abusive, he has a very short temper and is very ban-happy. He should not be left to do what he wants when it is clear that, to a majority, it is not wanted.
EDIT: I am now unbanned, but the report still stands.
Thanks for your time, TwoMike.

03-24-2012, 06:19 PM

first off the forced vote was only done because i joined too late to do a regular vote, in the next 2 votes yes won convincingly without me "abusing" also i never banned you, I only kicked you. you also left out the part where i called you a retard

03-24-2012, 06:28 PM

03-24-2012, 06:39 PM
Wait, Brax is a moderator too? Too. Much. Fail.

So, the moderators in this community try to wind up people that complain about them because they are obviously in the wrong. That explains SO much. Well, I'll ignore the childish posts from the so-called 'moderators' and continue on-topic, shall I?

So what if you joined late? If I joined late, I couldn't (and wouldn't) force a vote through to get what I wanted. You have just admitted to abusing your powers. And also, why should you be allowed to make another vote? It isn't as if you are a better person than most of the people on the server (and you have made clear that you are most definitely not).
And, there, calling me retarded. How mature.
I have tried to keep this report thread as professional as possible, but that is very hard with two children posting ignorant, dodging replies and try and get away with it?
I really hope that a REAL administrator can see past this and make a final verdict.

03-24-2012, 06:44 PM
Crying more makes you a bigger target.

03-24-2012, 06:47 PM
Adding TwoMike to my e-hitlist.

Ban on site.

03-24-2012, 07:12 PM
Adding TwoMike to my e-hitlist.

Ban on site.
was waiting for you digital <3

03-25-2012, 10:27 AM
I make a report thread, so I get banned?

03-25-2012, 12:00 PM
Stop crying about extend votes. The 1 map out of the 230+ on the server people wanted to play at that time was being played, so why not let them finish what they were doing on that map when it is still being played, and be patient and just give them another 10 minutes?

By your logic, we should just go on Seaworld, and 10 seconds later change the map, because it has already been played and anyone who wants an extend is abusive.

They call me queer
03-25-2012, 12:24 PM
I've seen deadeye force extend regardless if he wants the map or not, it's usually because someone is trying to do something and they need more time to do it.

03-25-2012, 06:06 PM
I make a report thread, so I get banned?


03-25-2012, 08:09 PM
I don't want to see admin's making MULTIPLE map votes or force extending (I will revoke your privileges if I get continuous complaints).

Nonetheless it was only a kick which is nothing too severe... You will not be banned please don't take everything you hear so seriously.

If you have anymore problems feel free to add me on steam.