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View Full Version : Donators getting expert server access?

03-24-2012, 11:19 AM
Hey there, I was just browsing through steam and wanted to join one of my friends in the expert server but couldn't obviously becuase I am a rookie lol. So I had an awesome idea and that idea is that maybe people who donate to KSF could be given expert server access for donating? I'm not saying instantly grant them rank 200 or lower, I'm saying like a seperate thing for the donators, you know, like the character models and stuff, or VIP or whatever. You see if this was an option, I'd be willing to pay like 60$+ just to get it! And yes I understand that this defeats the purpose of the expert server, becuase essentialy a rank 1378 rookie could join and annoy the experts while surfing, and I also understand that that is the reason why the expert server was made. But however maybe you could take into consideration the fact that maybe some 12 year old annoying russian isn't going to pay lets say 15$ to get access to it? And if someone is prepared to donate are they really going to be that much of a hastle or defeat the purpose of the expert only aspect? If you know what I mean, sorry I'm shit at explaining stuff. And also, to make it a win-win situation why not make it a seperate part of the donation thing if that makes sense, like if you donate 5 bucks or whatever you get the standard shit, if you donate 60$ or higher you get access to the expert servers? if that makes sense lol. Again I'm not saying instantly grant people rank 200 or lower, but I mean if you give doners their vip and custom character models isnt that some work going in? and if you charge like 60$ for access to the expert server isnt it worth the money to just example route their steam ID into letting the expert server let them in?

I'd pay 60$+ for expert server acess lol, and even if people dont what is the harm in it? you've still got my 60$ if it happens :D

I can understand if you guys dont wanna do this idea or whatever but I mean, if CS:GO has surf in it and you're doing the same idea with the whole normal server and expert server being seperate, why the fuck not give it a go? like I said, you got my 60$ bro :P.

Thank you for reading. take care

They call me queer
03-24-2012, 01:59 PM
With crappy things like hats and such, you'd be surprised how much of their parent's money the little kids will waste for basically nothing.

As someone who is very much looking forward to the relative peace and quiet of he Expert server, I very much disagree.

What does CS:GO have to do with this?

03-24-2012, 02:52 PM
Expert server exists for a reason, and although paying might end up getting you in, your friend should have to play with you in the normal one, not the other way around.

03-24-2012, 06:11 PM
You already get expert access as part of the normal vip package.

03-24-2012, 06:26 PM
yep if u donate you get the ability to make votes as well as use skins (which no one seems to use) a custom chattag AND expert server access

03-24-2012, 07:29 PM
I could give you 2 year vip for that (Which includes expert server access) :) http://ksfclan.com/site/donate.php

03-24-2012, 11:15 PM
oh sweet, we'll ill defs be donating in the near future. thanks admins :D

03-25-2012, 01:14 AM
I could give you 2 year vip for that (Which includes expert server access) :) http://ksfclan.com/site/donate.php

I love you YAYSON