View Full Version : Anti cheat plugin (not kac)

03-01-2012, 02:44 PM
Just as write this there was a person on your server exploiting voice, and causing mass lag/ping, luckily brax was online came in and muted him, and it stopped the lag/mass ping.

So I decided to take a look at what plugins you where running, and I saw kac is running, witch is rely outdated as to anti cheat,command spam and what not.
So I wanted to suggest smac instead.
Witch is a open source anti cheat based on kac, I do belive that you guys know that kigen quit his plugin.


Well there is the anti cheat, several good modules, like anti bhopscript, command blocker, and many other good things. The aimbot,walhack, and eyetest is rather obsolete for ksf tho.

Should also block kids like that russian ass who just laged the entire server.

Hope you will take some time and look at this, if you need help or just wanna see how it works I have a test server you can join and test stuff out.

God damn it I made this in the tf2 section, ment css.

Just contact me.