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View Full Version : ESL Surfing Community

12-17-2011, 04:10 AM
This is the post I wrote to introduce surf at Steams forums, I know you know what surf is!

Hello there fellows!
I don't know if you've heard/tried/playing surf maps on CS:S?
Anyways, I've been playing it for about 6-7 years now and have pretty much reached the top level of being "pro" at it.
Surfing has never been this "serious" scene in Counter-Strike: Source as the standard maps have been and that's why Me(Rowosh) and another friend of mine also a very good surfer are trying to fix surf into the ESL(Electronic Sports League), which is the biggest place for e-sport games.

The main reason(s) why we want to get surf into ESL is:
-To get rid of the cheaters, we only want real skill to be prooven.
-Getting surf back alive in the combat-scene.
-Make it more popular again, as it was for some years ago, even BIGGER if possible.
-We also wanna proove that surfing is 110% skill, I've heard from people that surf is so unskilled and only luck because they can't play it themselves.

We are currently done testing the ESL Anti-Cheat Wire for surfing and everything works perfectly! We are pretty sure this will go all the way, but we need YOUR help to make this even possible. We need to get as many members as possible in the ESL Surfing Community group too show ESL that alot of people are interested in this and are supporting us. Also we are making mixes daily too have even more proofs for ESL to make us a ladder, league, getting servers for us and all that! So, if you haven't joined yet, please do - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ESLSurf

Now the help I want from YOU is that you go onto your profile, go into your friends and SELECT ALL and invite them all to that group! Can you do that? Would really appreciate that!

I also got a really interesting question from a friend:

Q: You think new players will join the mixes/gathers/league-matches and not only the old and good players that are playing surf right now?

A: Well, I find it like this... Ofcourse every old surfer will play this and ofcourse they are ALOT better than a newbie guy starting surf. But doesn't everyone suck at the beginning of something new? Do you really think you can join the real ESL standard maps and play like a proffesional without practising? I don't think so, this is exactly the same, you will need to learn how to surf before you're gonna think this is extremely funny.

You don't know what this is and wants a pre-view of what is waiting behind the door?
Well then I've got the right video for you, it's my own movie I did for a while ago, it's including Tricks, Frags & Skillsurf in the end.
Almost every kill in surfing is so exciting so I think you will like it, actually!

Here's the movie, the inspiration(I hope):

Tell me your thoughts & ideas!

-ESL Surfing Community, Rowosh.

12-17-2011, 07:13 AM
this is a stupid idea...

12-18-2011, 05:24 AM
Not at all.

12-19-2011, 12:43 AM
combat surf blows

12-25-2011, 05:34 AM
w8 4 cs:go

12-25-2011, 05:50 PM
tell me how 2 shot wit da shotgun agen n i will pley