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View Full Version : a little question/complain

12-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Well hello.
Today i was playing at the expert server, me and zeedz were rageing on a map(me raging by typing a little random things in the chatt).
Then i activate my mick to see if it works or not (my headset = fcked up), then "Jay" mutes me.
then i think i typed "bitch" in the chatt, and then i started write the question "did u hear music or do my mick works?". but while doing that he gaged me, and then he started "bitching" against me in the chatt and asking stuff.
so i rejoined so i could type "if ure gonna ask me alll of those question then at least let me answer them." and just as i hit enter he types "oh so thats gag avoid, well enjoy" and then he banned me for 60 minutes.

im just wondering if this is admin abuse or if he did the right thing. cous if he did the right thing then i will sitt back quiet and whait for that hour to go by :)

12-07-2011, 11:54 AM
Don't give him a reason to ban you then. If he bans/gags/mutes you for absolutely no reason then talk to me and ill take care of it.

12-07-2011, 01:20 PM
I demand justice!

12-07-2011, 01:42 PM
i wish you still keep sitting quiet in a corner after that hour 2

12-07-2011, 02:18 PM
*sitting in the corner, being quiet*

thanks for all the replys :)

12-07-2011, 02:34 PM
you were SPAMMING the chat with retarded words just because you were getting mad.

you didnt activate your mic to see if it worked, you used your mic to play shitty music.

i didnt "bitch against you" i told you to stop spamming the chat with "aofsoifsbfi" and "BITCH FUCKING COCK SUCKIN DICK MAP" etc.

and yes, you avoided a gag. you could have waited 1 minute until the map changed...

12-07-2011, 02:45 PM
you were SPAMMING the chat with retarded words just because you were getting mad.

you didnt activate your mic to see if it worked, you used your mic to play shitty music.

i didnt "bitch against you" i told you to stop spamming the chat with "aofsoifsbfi" and "BITCH FUCKING COCK SUCKIN DICK MAP" etc.

and yes, you avoided a gag. you could have waited 1 minute until the map changed...

asume not the hole truth but it'll do :) sorry it wont happen again jay :)