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View Full Version : Surf_Aether

10-05-2011, 04:32 PM


The map is a single stage linear surf map set in a floating compound like structure with copious amounts of metal walls with glass in-lays. This o-so-conveniently allows the light in rather nicely and allows it to reflect heavily off the various smooth glass ramps. Obviously this isn't shooting for realism, more for the aesthetics.

Contains 11 secrets!

There are NO SPIRALS

There are very few obstacles at all in fact, its meant to be a pretty fast surf map with good aesthetics.** Overall surfing time is about one minute with no fails.** Although that may be a bit short for you pros out there, this was designed for the noobs to enjoy the scenery, the amateurs to enjoy the challenge, and for the pros to master.

-Quick Disclaimer-
This is my first surf map I've actually decided to release, so don't be too harsh with the criticism, but I am always open to feedback.

-Thanks for Tioga060 for assistance with optimization and testing.

http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... c9fc90.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1ac9fc90.jpg)
http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... 64aebf.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1b64aebf.jpg)
http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... c5ab39.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1bc5ab39.jpg)
http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... a58898.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1ca58898.jpg)
http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... 52692c.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1d52692c.jpg)
http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/map ... cedab9.jpg (http://ranger.gamebanana.com/img/ss/maps/4e8be1dcedab9.jpg)

10-06-2011, 10:50 AM
it looks nice, ill test it out later

10-11-2011, 12:55 PM
Any chance seeing this on the server soon?

10-11-2011, 04:30 PM
only untouch is adding maps to the server and nobody knows when he will show up. if he does he might add it, just be patient. i'm waiting for distraction to get added as well ;)

10-22-2011, 02:58 PM
Evolv can add maps now too, he'll add em soon.