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View Full Version : Times Up....

08-22-2011, 05:48 PM
Well my summer is officially over. I was currently staying at my aunts for the summer due to my parents money troubles, but schools almost here and it's time I return home. I don't have internet there so Bala might be gone for awhile. Hopefully once I get a job I can pay for internet myself but finding a job nowadays is like asking for a fucking kidney. I will never leave KSF, you guys are fucking awesome no doubt about it at all, all you guys are like family to me and im guna miss gaming with all you greatly. Hopefully on the weekends I can pop over here and join the server now and then. Ill try to keep active on the forums but thats kinda hard without internet :(

Im glad I got to experience such a amazing clan as KSF, and I hope when i return it's still alive and running normally. Goodbye all


(P.S you dont need internet to hammer so, ill try to make some fun maps for you guys just for KSF :D)

08-23-2011, 12:01 AM
i'm gonna miss you mannn :(

I had so much fun to play with you
peace ;)

08-23-2011, 09:50 AM
Well my summer is officially over. I was currently staying at my aunts for the summer due to my parents money troubles, but schools almost here and it's time I return home. I don't have internet there so Bala might be gone for awhile. Hopefully once I get a job I can pay for internet myself but finding a job nowadays is like asking for a fucking kidney. I will never leave KSF, you guys are fucking awesome no doubt about it at all, all you guys are like family to me and im guna miss gaming with all you greatly. Hopefully on the weekends I can pop over here and join the server now and then. Ill try to keep active on the forums but thats kinda hard without internet :(

Im glad I got to experience such a amazing clan as KSF, and I hope when i return it's still alive and running normally. Goodbye all


Sad to hear that bro, i rly hope you get internet someday. It was rly nice to play with you, you are one of the few guys who i like alot. I believe one day you'll return and im already waiting for that day to come. See yah m8, i'll miss you. :(

(P.S you dont need internet to hammer so, ill try to make some fun maps for you guys just for KSF :D)
Nice man, can't wait for your maps :)

08-23-2011, 02:17 PM
:( sad times mate. Its been fun! Hope everything goes well for you and see you soon!

08-23-2011, 06:25 PM
Its not goodbye forever guys I promise that :) I am of right now disconnecting the computer and moving it home for good(especially you Juissi, Thank you :D), I kinda hate this feeling. Thank you guys for what you said it really made me feel good. Love you guys, Love Ksf, forever.

Take care everyone, I'll try to return as soon as possible.


08-23-2011, 06:41 PM
see you soon bro :)

08-24-2011, 01:01 AM
Good luck with everything Bala. I'm sure we'll see you sooner than you think.

09-07-2011, 02:22 AM
bai balababy.

fuck you kike, mcroyal.