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View Full Version : Skill maps

07-14-2011, 03:34 PM
i wish theres a guy who can do some skill maps, dno if theres skill maps already but didnt notice any on the server. its fuckin annoying when in those all-around surfing maps guys sit in a corner with sniper or then some gay ass niggers spawn kill. i hope we get timer and only skill maps in there or if not timer then atleast some skill maps 2 cos those maps what we got now r so fukin boring. :cry:

07-14-2011, 04:25 PM
This is a combat server. Combat maps are much more fun when theres more than 5 players so that's probably why you think it's boring. Also there was hardly any sniper camping, and if there is, they're easy as fuck to kill with almost any class. TF2 has a lot of skill maps and a few skill servers but it's kinda pointless to make another KSF skill server in tf2 if it's gonna be the same shit as css. If you wanna skill surf then just go to css.