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View Full Version : *Unofficial* verybadboat

07-02-2011, 05:09 PM
Member: verybadboat also known as "moron"

Reason: His inability to integrate into the tight knit community known as KSF. Frequent unofficial complaints inbetween solid and oldschool members. False accusations against innocent surfers, such as accusations against some unskilled surfer for surf botting until he realized he was incorrect.

Also, because he kicked me twice. Tsk tsk, very very very bad boat.

07-03-2011, 03:42 AM
You r nice guy and i really like you but ppl has been asking me why you're in clan. You didnt even apply, so the members couldnt vote about it.
Sorry boat, you have mic but you dont even come to the vent, you dont go to the forums, also im not saying youre bad at surfing but youre not as good as the most of the clan.

If you can change those, i might change my mind.

This topic is now official.

07-03-2011, 03:46 AM
Since I am not active at the moment I can't judge on this , but juissi has confirmed that your behaviour is inacceptable and that you don't participate on the forum nor on ventrilo.

There has been no acceptance process and I heard that many people would have said no. As fas as I know you aren't a decent surfer .


07-03-2011, 04:10 AM
Today I warned boat not to prehop but he continued, so I slayed him he got furious and called me a noob admin. He said stage 3 on jizznipples was impossible without prehopping so he told me he should be able to pre hop it. Later that day even before this he calls me in the server and asks me to watch someone that he thinks is botting. After he accuses him of botting he realizes he has !hide on. Prehopping just to do 3 on Jizznipples and accusing innocent surfers proves bad surf skill and judgement.


07-03-2011, 09:28 AM
just because i can


07-03-2011, 10:25 AM
im sorry but digital terrorist is a silly kid and i kicked him because he was acting like a complete dick, i agree yesterday i did fuck up but u dont have to be such a bitch, and brax, im sorry but u didnt give me a proper warning because as far as i knew you could bhop if it was impossible to do it without. it was a bit two faced of you to appologise to me in steam about it then bitch about me on the forums. ive done a lot of work here and feel free to kick me from ksf but let me tell you it is very petty. i also think that juisii has been the only one with a sensible response, and i dont come on vent because i only use TS3. finally, this debate, as i said b4, has been created from a 'known dick' of the community because he got mad when i called him a prick and people who werent on the servers yesterday wont understand why digi has beef with me.

07-03-2011, 12:53 PM
juisii has been the only one with a sensible response

It seems to me you guys are quite rash with this, save except for Juissi. "Just because I can" doesn't seem like a valid reason to kick anyone. "Juissi told me so" borders on not being valid. I'm also pretty sure boat did create an application, it's possible it got lost with the transition between sites.

So ... -1?

For now anyway - until I see some of this stuff you guys are talking about.

07-03-2011, 12:57 PM
i did create a application after i enquired and was told to by evolv. i cant remember but i was sure people voted.

07-03-2011, 01:21 PM
As a member, a very long time fucking member whose Vent we used for a long time, he has reserved the right to vote out someone on pure spite, so acid fries, I love you as usual babe.

07-03-2011, 01:23 PM
You mean by bitch I was bitching you the fuck out for actually accusing some new surfer of botting and threatening punishment? You are the worst kind of moron. Kicking me was out of your league and I don't care who knows that I think that.

07-03-2011, 01:30 PM
im not getting in a silly argument with you, you blatantly have problems, i did not threaten to do anything because i cannot ban and i appologised to the guy i was accusing, that was when u started acting like an arse.

07-03-2011, 01:31 PM
juisii has been the only one with a sensible response

It seems to me you guys are quite rash with this, save except for Juissi. "Just because I can" doesn't seem like a valid reason to kick anyone. "Juissi told me so" borders on not being valid. I'm also pretty sure boat did create an application, it's possible it got lost with the transition between sites.

So ... -1?

For now anyway - until I see some of this stuff you guys are talking about.

Have you seen him in ventrilo? No or oh wait you dont come to vent neither.. Have you seen him participating on forums untill now? No. Is he really good surfer? No. Every1 has noticed those reasons, not just that "I told them" Also yes, he made an application but no1 responded only evolv with "Accepted".

07-03-2011, 01:33 PM
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.

07-03-2011, 01:33 PM
You're not getting into an argument with me because you've already lost. Clearly a strong majority thinks you are unacceptable and you are in a corner, don't play the martyr cause the only sympathy vote you will get, you already got. Thank Skittles for taking pity on you.

07-03-2011, 01:34 PM
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.

Except t!ck, we love him.

07-03-2011, 01:36 PM
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.

Except t!ck, we love him.
Tick isn't a faggot, hes a pedo.

07-03-2011, 01:40 PM
when i agreed with you juissi i was agreeing with the fact that i do not come on vent and that i hardly post on the forums. (may i add i do participate on the server an awful lot). i do not agree about skill (done 3 of the trial maps) and guys pls stop behaving like infants (there is a time and a place for that) because we are trying to have a serious discussion (british faggots gtfo :/)

07-03-2011, 01:42 PM
Lurking on the server, I hear many people dont want to join KSF cuz of the low standards. They always say HOW DID BOAT GET IN? So... +1 from me until you can prove yourself to be at ksf standards. If you beat the try out maps, then reapply and you would make ksf better reputed.

07-03-2011, 01:42 PM
guys pls stop behaving like infants (there is a time and a place for that) because we are trying to have a serious discussion (british faggots gtfo :/)
no u

07-03-2011, 01:42 PM
You've been a very bad boat, and you will be stricken from the stone of KSF. So shall it be written, so shall it be done! We await your ruling, Grand Wizard.

07-03-2011, 01:53 PM
wait. who is skittles? and does anyone even care about him?


07-03-2011, 02:32 PM
I like Boat and hes a cool guy, so i vote -1 ;)

07-03-2011, 02:34 PM
Kiiru, you have always been mentally handicapped to the point where apparently you can't count. With your -1, we still sit at 5 votes. We have enough.

07-03-2011, 02:44 PM
Have you seen him in ventrilo? No or oh wait you dont come to vent neither.. Have you seen him participating on forums untill now? No. Is he really good surfer? No. Every1 has noticed those reasons, not just that "I told them" Also yes, he made an application but no1 responded only evolv with "Accepted".

I was stating that you were at least making good points, but the others weren't. I'm not in vent often, but I do go in there.

wait. who is skittles? and does anyone even care about him?



07-03-2011, 02:47 PM
im sorry but digital terrorist is a silly kid and i kicked him because he was acting like a complete dick, i agree yesterday i did fuck up but u dont have to be such a bitch, and
brax, im sorry but u didnt give me a proper warning because as far as i knew you could bhop if it was impossible to do it without. This proves you don't go on the forums as Juissi made a thread on June 26th about prehopping and cheating in other ways. Also, you thinking 3 on surf_jizznipples is impossible without circle prehopping shows lack of skill.

07-03-2011, 03:02 PM
Your a good guy boat, what do you say in the future you can apply the normal way. As for now terminated. :|

07-03-2011, 04:51 PM
thought i'd just clear this up... i told evolv i was leaving before the votes finished. i dont hold anything against ksf and i will most definitely not be leaving the servers. thanks for the short while i was part of the clan. hope to see you around.

p.s. brax you are such a two face liar, you've been in ksf for less time than I and you act like you know everything, its people like you that ruin this game.

07-03-2011, 05:06 PM

07-03-2011, 05:40 PM
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.

Except t!ck, we love him.

I see how it is, I thought you people were my friends :( Haters gon' hate!!!

Mm, one day between checking the forums and its been as active as ever, and boat's been booted, sucks.. :<

07-03-2011, 07:01 PM
I see how it is, I thought you people were my friends :( Haters gon' hate!!!

Mm, one day between checking the forums and its been as active as ever, and boat's been booted, sucks.. :<

i luv you deja !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-03-2011, 07:59 PM
p.s. brax you are such a two face liar, you've been in ksf for less time than I and you act like you know everything, its people like you that ruin this game.

Alright, I simply looked at the forum a while ago to see what was new and I saw the cheating thread. I don't think I know everything I was enforcing a rule you should of known 5 days before you broke it. Its your fault for not looking at the forums. I also don't know why you think I ruin the game I was just enforcing a rule. I don't really know what a two face liar is but I apologized because I felt bad for slaying you but its only the rules that im trying to follow.

07-09-2011, 08:59 AM
i read all of this and all i can say is... HAHA

08-19-2011, 03:42 PM
i vote yes. British faggots gtfo.

Except t!ck, we love him.

I see how it is, I thought you people were my friends :( Haters gon' hate!!!

Mm, one day between checking the forums and its been as active as ever, and boat's been booted, sucks.. :<

Awww you guys <33333333333

09-07-2011, 02:20 AM
DEJA! I love you mang....but...Ive seen t!cks penis...we have a bromance.