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View Full Version : Bowl

11-26-2010, 01:14 AM
CSS Username:Bowl
Has this player made any contributions towards the community recently? (This includes participation in ventrilo, forums, or anything that might benefit the clan)

Participates in ventrilo everyday. Downside - abuses vent admin everyday.
Participates on forums everday. Downside - makes ksf look dumb in the process.
Donates to the server. Downside - will never lose admin

How long has this player been in the clan?

Too long.

Explain why you feel this user should be terminated:

I feel I do not have to explain as to why Bowl should be terminated. How about we let the members of the KSF community deicede.

Additional Comments/Concerns:


11-26-2010, 01:33 AM
Demon i believe you show some strong points in your argument. HOWEVER....don't worry its all correct I vote terminate!

11-26-2010, 10:23 AM
fukin idiot baibai terminate