View Full Version : banned?

09-04-2010, 04:41 AM
hello, this morning i got banned by Daniel, because of my spray.
my spray is a simple spray saying "silverlol", and he were offended by the colors.
the colors are black and white, with gray-ish stripes.

heres the chat where i asked him why he banned me:
Never tell your password to anyone.
?? ? silverlol: uhm?
?? ? silverlol: why did i just get banned?
Daniel | ???: uhh
Daniel | ???: for your unacceptable spray
Daniel | ???: obviously
?? ? silverlol: my spray saying "silverlol" is unacceptable?
Daniel | ???: yeah
?? ? silverlol: how?
Daniel | ???: its offensive to me
?? ? silverlol: in what way?
Daniel | ???: the colors
Daniel | ???: i dont like them very much
?? ? silverlol: so you banned me...?
Daniel | ???: yeah.
Daniel | ???: it was only for a week.
Daniel | ???: reasonable enough.
?? ? silverlol: ah k, yea i agree
Daniel | ???: on some servers bad sprays like that can mean you're gone forever.
Daniel | ???: so you're kind of lucky when you think about it.
?? ? silverlol: yea, i see ur point....
?? ? silverlol: thanks for being nice to me....
Daniel | ???: np
Daniel | ??? is now Away.
Daniel | ??? is now Online.
Daniel | ??? is now Away.
Daniel | ??? is now Online.
Daniel | ??? is now Away.
Daniel | ??? is now Offline.

i dont get why the hell he would ban me for a normal spray, i would understand if it were a porn spray he were offended by, but a simple spray like mine, wtf?

hope you guys will take this into consideration..
- silverlol.

09-04-2010, 10:09 PM
You agreed that a week long ban was appropriate. Why are you complaining?

09-05-2010, 01:14 AM
i didnt agree, it was sarcasm. i kinda guessed the dots would help showing that.. but i guess not

09-05-2010, 09:19 AM
Daniel what the fuck. This doesn't make any sense, there was no need to ban him. I'd say you need to work on the "I ban whoever I want"-attitude, because this is NOT appropriate.

I talked to evolv and we decided to modify the
Head Admin. This is for senior ksf members who have been around for a long time and have proven that they deserve some more power and say in matters.

09-05-2010, 06:20 PM
Daniel what the fuck. This doesn't make any sense, there was no need to ban him. I'd say you need to work on the "I ban whoever I want"-attitude, because this is NOT appropriate.

I talked to evolv and we decided to modify the
Head Admin. This is for senior ksf members who have been around for a long time and have proven that they deserve some more power and say in matters.

Yeah thats a load of shit, welcome to ksf i guess?

09-06-2010, 02:17 PM
Tilt is a faggot.

09-07-2010, 01:28 PM
T :oops: :? :lol: :!: :?: :?: :idea: ilt is a :shock: :x 8-) 8-) :) ;) :!: :ugeek: :idea: :arrow: :?: :?: :!: :D faggo :evil: :shock: :D :D :cry: :oops: :P :roll: :!: :geek: :ugeek: :arrow: :evil: t.