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View Full Version : Even more abuse from DigitalTerrorist| ???

08-30-2010, 02:59 PM
So I joined the server like I do every day... and I'm just surfing and all of the sudden... kicked by admin...
checking my console logs, this is what I see...

d-_-b Ninjaplz connected.
d-_-b Ninjaplz (STEAM_0:0:13802283) connected from Stevenson Ranch, California, United States
Redownloading all lightmaps
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
You have been respawned!
empty connected.
empty (STEAM_0:1:5944829) connected from Belleville, Illinois, United States
[Surf Timer] - Neo finished in 06:54.44 (+06:14.10)
Neo : !bonus
*DEAD* empty : restart
[Explizi?™ | ???] : :)
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:10.78 (+00:00.83) improving by 00:01.39
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in the top 10! rank: 4/18
[Explizi?™ | ???] : What for
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
`Habitat : uh i do
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
`Habitat : i reported explizit
`Habitat : for cheating
Paincakes suicided.
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
u a nerd : !top
`Habitat : fukin cheata
ente : !top
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
ente : !bonus
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_rapid
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : This is for getting involved in cheeses thread, when it wasn't your business, ninjaplz.
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.
Disconnect: Kicked by administrator.

08-30-2010, 03:00 PM
The laws of thermodynamics describe the transport of heat and work in thermodynamic processes. These laws have become some of the most important fundamental laws in physics and other sciences associated with thermodynamics.
Classical thermodynamics, which is focused on systems in thermodynamic equilibrium, can be considered separately from non-equilibrium thermodynamics. This article focuses on classical or thermodynamic equilibrium thermodynamics.
The four principles (referred to as "laws"):[1][2][3][4][5][6]
The zeroth law of thermodynamics, which underlies the basic definition of temperature.
The first law of thermodynamics, which mandates conservation of energy, and states in particular that the flow of heat is a form of energy transfer.
The second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated macroscopic system never decreases, or (equivalently) that perpetual motion machines are impossible.
The third law of thermodynamics, which concerns the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero temperature, and which implies that it is impossible to cool a system all the way to exactly absolute zero.
There have been suggestions of additional laws,[7] but none of them have anything like the generality of the accepted laws, and they are not mentioned in standard textbooks.[1][2][3][4][8][9][5]

08-30-2010, 03:15 PM
This is my console log for the last few minutes...

And I was about to beat a map for the first time...
but apparently, it's more important to ban me for 60 minutes

d-_-b Ninjaplz connected.
Redownloading all lightmaps
d-_-b Ninjaplz (STEAM_0:0:13802283) connected from Stevenson Ranch, California, United States
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : ohhai
You have been respawned!
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !pr
[Surf Timer] - You Reached: Stage 2
[Explizi?™ | ???] : I wonder why it took ninja so long to come back
Neo : !pr ninja
[Surf Timer] - :[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:14.24 (+00:04.30)
[Explizi?™ | ???] : Did you complain again on the forums
??????| ??? connected.
??????| ??? (STEAM_0:0:19024040) connected from Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, United States
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' to visit another KSF server. ('bind F3 askconnect_accept' in console if you can't connect)
[Surf Timer] - Neo finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:15.23
Neo : yes
Neo suicided.
[KSF Clan] - All members please stay active on our forums. www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
Can't set fps_max when connected
*SPEC* empty : whoaaa
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
*SPEC* empty : whats wrong with lvl 4
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is now Enabled with a 2 minute delay! It is located at
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stage
?Senso? : !stage
[SM] Voting for next map has started.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
`Habitat : 7
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is Auto-Recording. For more Info type !tvinfo.
?ã?? : 3333
u a nerd : !stage
?Senso? : !stage
u a nerd : !stage
?ã?? : !revote
pissing drunk with gonnoreah connected.
pissing drunk with gonnoreah (STEAM_0:0:17049038) connected from Unknown, United States
?Senso? : !bonus
[Surf Timer] - Tinch finished in 12:42.72 (+12:02.38)
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in 02:40.17 (+01:59.84)
[SM] The current map has been extended. (Received 37% of 16 votes)
Miniwaffle connected.
Miniwaffle (STEAM_0:0:27000571) connected from Oviedo, Florida, United States
Tinch : !bonus
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese connected.
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese (STEAM_0:1:26324010) connected from San Clemente, California, United States
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !rank
[Surf Timer] - d-_-b Ninjaplz is ranked 89/2362 with 1220 points
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stag
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : LOL
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stage
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : he's back
blOOdzEE. ™ connected.
blOOdzEE. ™ (STEAM_0:0:31755594) connected from Nepean, Ontario, Canada
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : did you like my reply ninja?
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : lawling @ stage 4 -.-
d-_-b Ninjaplz : I don't check the forums every 2 seconds
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : Now you know the first 4 laws of Thermodynamics
SwiFTzee. ™ connected.
SwiFTzee. ™ (STEAM_0:0:34136878) connected from Lancaster, Ontario, Canada
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in 01:08.14 (+00:27.80)
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stag
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
Miniwaffle suicided.
*DEAD* SwiFTzee. ™ : RESPAWN
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Kicked cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese connected.
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese (STEAM_0:1:26324010) connected from San Clemente, California, United States
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
frogpoo connected.
frogpoo (STEAM_0:1:21115061) connected from South San Francisco, California, United States
|PhCc| ?Ð??-Ma?? suicided.
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
???Crashlo connected.
???Crashlo (STEAM_0:1:15103712) connected from Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_rapid
^6Captain Teemo! connected.
^6Captain Teemo! (STEAM_0:0:3352591) connected from Columbia, South Carolina, United States
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !rr
[KSF Clan] - Wanna join the KSF Clan? Apply at www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in 01:22.22 (+00:41.89)
ente : evening
Se?itin - AA connected.
Se?itin - AA (STEAM_0:1:19828166) connected from Coventry, Connecticut, United States
ente : some tips for bonus ? :X
[KSF Clan] - Type 'rtv' if you want to switch maps.
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : !rank
[Surf Timer] - :[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E is ranked 53/2362 with 1970 points
?ã?? : !stage
ente : cant skip the last rail
ente : easily
[KSF Clan] - Add us to your favorites:
`Habitat : ITS NOT A RAIL
*SPEC* empty : its a ramp
ente : idc lol
u a nerd : !restaryt
*SPEC* empty : >_<
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
[Surf Timer] - ???Crashlo finished in 01:36.12 (+00:55.79)
[Surf Timer] - Tinch finished bonus [Bonus 1] in 00:13.21 (+00:03.26)
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' for a list of our servers.
Tinch : !rank
[Surf Timer] - Tinch is ranked 63/2360 with 1698 points
[Surf Timer] - cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese finished in 01:54.96 (+01:14.63)
???Crashlo : !pr
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese : !bonus
*DEAD* Neo : !rank
[Surf Timer] - Neo is ranked 60/2360 with 1741 points
???Crashlo : !rank
[Surf Timer] - ???Crashlo is ranked 48/2360 with 2141 points
???Crashlo suicided.
[KSF Clan] - Visit our 24/7 Surf server:
?Senso? suicided.
`Habitat : i dont get how he did 4 so fast
`Habitat : 3 ui mean
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
?ã?? : !stage
Miniwaffle : !stage
BraveBeans connected.
BraveBeans (STEAM_0:0:19594286) connected from San Francisco, California, United States
[KSF Clan] - Type '!toggletimer' to turn the surf timer on or off.
Miniwaffle suicided.
[Surf Timer] - xxtazy finished in 08:21.99 (+07:41.65)
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Kicked cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese
xxtazy : pro
xxtazy : !bonus
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese (STEAM_0:1:26324010) connected from San Clemente, California, United States
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese connected.
[SM] Voting for next map has started.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
?ã?? : 1111
`Habitat : 7
`Habitat : 7
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' to visit another KSF server. ('bind F3 askconnect_accept' in console if you can't connect)
?ã?? suicided.
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : digital
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : ma bff
[SM] The current map has been extended. (Received 31% of 19 votes)
[DigitalTerrorist| ???] : yo
ente : !lookup habitat
[KSF Clan] - All members please stay active on our forums. www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
ente : !lookup ente
[Surf Timer] - Explizi?™ | ??? finished in 00:40.57 (+00:00.23) improving by 00:01.81
[Surf Timer] - Explizi?™ | ??? finished in the top 10! rank: 2/40
[Explizi?™ | ???] : !top
[Explizi?™ | ???] : Damn
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is now Enabled with a 2 minute delay! It is located at
`Habitat : gr8
*SPEC* ?Senso? : ^^
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is Auto-Recording. For more Info type !tvinfo.
*SPEC* ?Senso? : !specinfo ha
[Surf Timer] - `Habitat has 7 spectator(s): Kamikaze TV (Auto-Recording), Miniwaffle, ?ã??, Paincakes, krakalaker, ?Senso?, Zyzz| ???
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
ente : #
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
dotcom (STEAM_0:1:22823830) connected from Shirley, New York, United States
dotcom connected.
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !pr dig
[Surf Timer] - DigitalTerrorist| ??? Reached: Stage 2
medix : change map
medix : yes
[Explizi?™ | ???] : Thats a good film
medix : yes it is
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : skip those bhops
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : derp
medix suicided.
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !wr
[Surf Timer] - demon | ??? holds the record with time: 00:40.33
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : brett begs to differ
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in 00:52.94 (+00:12.61) improving by 00:03.83
[Surf Timer] - Chayma finished in the top 10! rank: 8/40
[Surf Timer] - Se?itin - AA finished in 06:00.72 (+05:20.39)
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeese : !top
`Habitat : he didnt do it
`Habitat : he got ALL
`Habitat : his time on 3
Disconnect: Banned.
Disconnect: Banned.

08-30-2010, 03:17 PM
Why do you copy and paste so much of the console log, that makes you look like such a whiney fag.

08-30-2010, 03:26 PM
I copy/paste the whole thing so people know the whole story

how I wasn't doing anything when I got banned

08-30-2010, 03:30 PM
You got banned because you are an annoying faggot.

09-13-2010, 03:20 PM

10-01-2010, 03:49 AM
Theres no point trying they dont give a shit about their server or their admins mate its the same with me, and most other people who get kicked/banned by that dick sucking fag.

10-03-2010, 01:59 PM
Theres no point trying they dont give a shit about their server or their admins mate its the same with me, and most other people who get kicked/banned by that dick sucking fag.

Can anyone else hear the sand and blood grinding inside this kids vagina?

chef. lack
10-25-2010, 04:26 PM
Someone take his admin away yet?

10-27-2010, 09:22 AM
Someone take his admin away yet?

No, wtf.