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View Full Version : DigitalTerrorist| ??? Abusing Admin... Again...

08-27-2010, 03:46 PM
So almost every day I come int KSF to surf and just relax...

Every day that Digital is there, he decides to abuse me...

today, I got slayed, gagged, slayed, and blinded, then gagged again...

(console logs in first comment)

08-27-2010, 03:47 PM
DigitalTerrorist| ??? connected.
DigitalTerrorist| ??? (STEAM_0:0:19968976) connected from Fort Smith, Arkansas, United States
[OwnD|???] : a lil
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : prolix time??????
Miniwaffle suicided.
Hoodrat stuff with my friends connected.
Hoodrat stuff with my friends (STEAM_0:0:10098354) connected from Huntington Beach, California, United States
World : Looks ok tbh
*SPEC* jambalaya : prolixtime
meow suicided.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : y so sexy digital
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
Hoodrat stuff with my friends connected.
Hoodrat stuff with my friends (STEAM_0:0:10098354) connected from Huntington Beach, California, United States
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : I dunno man
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : Youz the seckseeist
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : omg boarman
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : baller
[OwnD|???] : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_finesse_final
*DEAD* jambalaya : he was 1sec behind
*DEAD* jambalaya : on 3
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : stfu jumanji
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !admin
[KSF Clan] - Wanna join the KSF Clan? Apply at www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
[OwnD|???] : !wr
[Surf Timer] - demon | ??? holds the record with time: 01:44.31
d-_-b Ninjaplz suicided.
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Slayed d-_-b Ninjaplz.
Ronde connected.
Ronde (STEAM_0:1:14173574) connected from Turku, Western Finland, Finland
jambalaya : !top
*DEAD* d-_-b Ninjaplz : wow
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : oops
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : lol
Hoodrat stuff with my friends : !toggletimer
jin connected.
jin (STEAM_0:0:9805367) connected from Turku, Western Finland, Finland
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !sm_vote Prolix Yes No
[SM] Zyzz| ???: Initiated a vote: Prolix
You have been respawned!
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Type 'rtv' if you want to switch maps.
[SM] Vote successful. (Received 53% of 15 votes)
[SM] The answer to Prolix is: No.
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : da fuk
st3pp0 : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Add us to your favorites:
Anonymous? : just do a random vote
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !sm_vote Ataque Yes No
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : fffff
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
[SM] Zyzz| ???: Initiated a vote: Ataque
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !sm_vote Ataque Yes No
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : 1111
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : 222
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : can't hear ya
[SM] Vote successful. (Received 57% of 14 votes)
[SM] The answer to Ataque is: No.
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : i'll come vent soonish
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : D
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' for a list of our servers.
Nose connected.
Nose (STEAM_0:0:8848819) connected from Bottrop, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : kk
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Visit our 24/7 Surf server:
[SM] Zyzz| ???: Initiated a vote: You
*SPEC* [Zyzz| ???] : !sm_vote You guys gay Yes Yes
[SM] Vote successful. (Received 40% of 10 votes)
[SM] The answer to You is: guys.
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[KSF Clan] - Type '!toggletimer' to turn the surf timer on or off.
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
LupRar connected.
LupRar (STEAM_0:0:34579433) connected from Jyv?skyl?, Western Finland, Finland
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
Three People connected.
Three People (STEAM_0:0:17955917) connected from Athens, Georgia, United States
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' to visit another KSF server. ('bind F3 askconnect_accept' in console if you can't connect)
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
[KSF Clan] - All members please stay active on our forums. www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
Nose : !stage
Riddle Box connected.
Riddle Box (STEAM_0:0:4886240) connected from Federal Way, Washington, United States
?????? ???? (STEAM_0:1:5591883) connected from Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
?????? ???? connected.
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Gagged d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is now Enabled with a 2 minute delay! It is located at
[OwnD|???] : nominate
?ci?-FrIeS | ksf connected.
?ci?-FrIeS | ksf (STEAM_0:1:5507021) connected from Rancho Cucamonga, California, United States
[SM] OwnD|??? has nominated surf_syria_again.
[OwnD|???] : rtv
[SM] OwnD|??? wants to rock the vote. (3 votes, 11 required)
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is Auto-Recording. For more Info type !tvinfo.
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
World : What's actually wrong with this map? seems good to me.
jambalaya : !goback
human_boarman : you cant tell
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
World : No, why?
human_boarman : not you
Hoodrat stuff with my friends connected.
Hoodrat stuff with my friends (STEAM_0:0:10098354) connected from Huntington Beach, California, United States
scop3r connected.
scop3r (STEAM_0:1:15487005) connected from Edwardsville, Illinois, United States
[OwnD|???] : !stage
[OwnD|???] : !stage
*DEAD* scop3r : resepawn
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
LupRar : paassy läpi?
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
NoProx3 connected.
NoProx3 (STEAM_0:0:30591439) connected from Grafenw?hr, Bayern, Germany
Hoodrat stuff with my friends : !toggletimer
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Ungagged d-_-b Ninjaplz.
=(eG)=™ Xerticle (STEAM_0:1:24294733) connected from Lawrence, Kansas, United States
=(eG)=™ Xerticle connected.
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
d-_-b Ninjaplz : ya?
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
d-_-b Ninjaplz : ok
d-_-b Ninjaplz : keep talking
d-_-b Ninjaplz : idgaf
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_finesse_final
[KSF Clan] - Wanna join the KSF Clan? Apply at www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
LupRar : siis en tajua mihin tost yhest kohtaa kuuluu hypätä :D
d-_-b Ninjaplz suicided.
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Slayed d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : shit
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : reported
[KSF Clan] - Type 'rtv' if you want to switch maps.
=(eG)=™ Xerticle : admin aboose
[SM] Pending Vote
*SPEC* Three People : nextmap
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : You shouldn't verbally abuse admins, ninja
You have been respawned!
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : Thats against the motd.
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !stage
[KSF Clan] - Add us to your favorites:
d-_-b Ninjaplz : I haven't even used my mic
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' for a list of our servers.
Three People : !stage
LupRar : ei helv
LupRar : toi viimine hyppy
World : !stage
] motd
[KSF Clan] - Visit our 24/7 Surf server:
NoProx3 : !wr
[Surf Timer] - demon | ??? holds the record with time: 01:44.31
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
baddd connected.
baddd (STEAM_0:0:8400742) connected from Saint Charles, Missouri, United States
[KSF Clan] - Type '!toggletimer' to turn the surf timer on or off.
baddd : !rank
[Surf Timer] - baddd is ranked 34/2292 with 2468 points
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[KSF Clan] - Type 'respawn' to respawn yourself.
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !rank
[Surf Timer] - d-_-b Ninjaplz is ranked 96/2292 with 1120 points
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: used blind on d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[KSF Clan] - Type '!servers' to visit another KSF server. ('bind F3 askconnect_accept' in console if you can't connect)
=(eG)=™ Xerticle : lol
[KSF Clan] - All members please stay active on our forums. www.forums.kamikazestrikeforce.com
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : a BITCH
[Surf Timer] - Type !info to view all SurfTimer Commands
Fiendy connected.
Fiendy (STEAM_0:0:7216239) connected from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
LupRar : päässy läpi tän ekan stagen=
Fuddy connected.
Fuddy (STEAM_0:1:20108081) connected from Wolfegg, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is now Enabled with a 2 minute delay! It is located at
[SM] Voting for next map has started.
[Surf Timer] - Type !videos to view Surf Videos By KSF members
[OwnD|???] : 11111
[KSF Clan] - Source TV is Auto-Recording. For more Info type !tvinfo.
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : shit
NoProx3 : !revote
World : !stage
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : 7
[SM] Map voting has finished. The next map will be surf_purgatory. (Received 33% of 21 votes)
Anonymous? suicided.
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : lol@ownd
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : Oo
[KSF Clan] - Type '!tvinfo' to view Source TV Demo information and how to record videos from the demos.
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !rank digital
[Surf Timer] - DigitalTerrorist| ??? is ranked 153/2292 with 693 points
[KSF Clan] - Is a player micspamming? Type 'votemute'
=(eG)=™ Xerticle : !rank
[Surf Timer] - =(eG)=™ Xerticle is ranked 157/2292 with 652 points
jambalaya : 2
=(eG)=™ Xerticle : !rank digital
[Surf Timer] - DigitalTerrorist| ??? is ranked 153/2292 with 693 points
d-_-b Ninjaplz : !pr
[Surf Timer] - You Reached: Stage 4
Fuddy : !stage
[?ci?-FrIeS | ksf] : !rank
[Surf Timer] - ?ci?-FrIeS | ksf is ranked 102/2292 with 1078 points
[KSF Clan] - Do you like the SurfTimer? Help keep this server running by donating at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
[OwnD|???] : !admin
[SM] OwnD|???: Initiated a vote.
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Cancelled the vote.
[SM] Console: Cancelled the vote.
jambalaya : !revote
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E : 1!
=(eG)=™ Xerticle : lol
Fiendy : !stage
World : !bonus
[KSF Clan] - Type '!rank' to view your position in the KSF ranks!
[Surf Timer] - 1 minute remaining
[SM] Next Map: surf_purgatory
baddd : nextmap
=(eG)=™ Xerticle suicided.
[KSF Clan] - Visit our Ventrilo server!
[Surf Timer] - 30 Seconds remaining
[KSF Clan] - Donors will recieve a custom text color! Donate at www.kamikazestrikeforce.com and choosing Skill-Surf
{TK} TKLeader connected.
{TK} TKLeader (STEAM_0:1:25451255) connected from Bellingham, Washington, United States
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : ninja, you know you are getting gagged next map. For violating the MOTD
Srsbsns CP : !stage
d-_-b Ninjaplz : I didn't violate anything
[Surf Timer] - 10 Seconds remaining
NoProx3 : !rank
[Surf Timer] - NoProx3 is ranked 66/2293 with 1588 points
] motd
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[KSF Clan] - Current Map: surf_finesse_final
[Surf Timer] - Comments? Suggestions? Rants? - Post them here!
[Surf Timer] - http://forums.solidsurf.info/index.php/board,25.0.html
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDING ----
[Surf Timer] - ---- MAP ENDED ----

CS:S SurfTimer
Map: surf_purgatory
Players: 29 / 41
Build: 4307
Server Number: 44

ConVarRef surftimer doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( surftimer set to 2.0.0), skipping
ConVarRef es_corelib_ver doesn't point to an existing ConVar
SetConVar: No such cvar ( es_corelib_ver set to, skipping
Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1.
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/citadel_metalwall077a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/metalfloor001a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/citadel_metalwall063a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/metalcombine001
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/citadel_tilefloor016a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: tile/tilefloor016a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: tile/tilefloor020a
KeyValues Error: RecursiveLoadFromBuffer: got EOF instead of keyname in file materials/purg/glass3.vmt
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: purg/glass3
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: glass/glasswindow007a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: glass/glasswindow070c
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: glass/combineglass001a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: concrete/concretefloor033a
env_cubemap used on world geometry without rebuilding map. . ignoring: metal/citadel_tilefloor016a_cheap
d-_-b Ninjaplz (STEAM_0:0:13802283) connected from Stevenson Ranch, California, United States
Srsbsns CP (STEAM_0:0:14354644) connected from Houston, Texas, United States
d-_-b Ninjaplz connected.
Srsbsns CP connected.
SFX (STEAM_0:1:29827508) connected from San Jos?, San Jose, Costa Rica
baddd (STEAM_0:0:8400742) connected from Saint Charles, Missouri, United States
Three People (STEAM_0:0:17955917) connected from Athens, Georgia, United States
Redownloading all lightmaps
SFX connected.
baddd connected.
Three People connected.
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E connected.
:[?.?.?.]:.????im9290 E (STEAM_0:1:17805700) connected from Marcq-en-baroeul, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France
Scoring will not start until both teams have players
?????? ???? (STEAM_0:1:5591883) connected from Moscow, Moscow City, Russian Federation
?????? ???? connected.
OwnD|??? connected.
OwnD|??? (STEAM_0:1:20301246) connected from Vennesla, Vest-Agder, Norway
[SM] DigitalTerrorist| ???: Gagged d-_-b Ninjaplz.
[GOD] DigitalTerrorist| ??? : derpy derp

08-27-2010, 03:52 PM
I think ninjaplz is cutting himself.

08-27-2010, 04:25 PM
EYYYY hey mom!! xD

08-27-2010, 05:20 PM
Are you dumb as fuck or somthing? theres thousands of servers, you keep coming back?

08-27-2010, 05:42 PM
wow... I'm sorry I like your server... your server is the only one with the timer...
so technically... there are 0 other servers out there

and it's not like I go into the server and start being a bitch... I just sit there then get fucked with... and people get mad at me...

08-27-2010, 05:59 PM
wow... I'm sorry I like your server... your server is the only one with the timer...
so technically... there are 0 other servers out there

and it's not like I go into the server and start being a bitch... I just sit there then get fucked with... and people get mad at me...

theres 4/5 of them........

08-27-2010, 06:44 PM
Have you ever considered changing your name and thus not being fucked with?!

08-27-2010, 06:45 PM
I have... but I'm not going to stoop to his level

08-27-2010, 06:53 PM
You will stoop to whatever level I make you.

08-27-2010, 10:35 PM
Thanks for those two extra slays just now...

08-27-2010, 10:53 PM
You are welcome.

08-28-2010, 12:17 PM
great... set on fire again