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View Full Version : CS: S Tutorial | Cracked & Old CSS | by Raz0r

07-22-2010, 06:34 PM
Hy guys :).

I've created a short tutorial how to install the old counterstrike source.
It's really simple and it's a short tutorial. The downloadlinks are to be found in the description.

You'll now be able to play/use/record old demos. Also you'll be able to play everything alike as it was before! Although offline of course.

It's pre-cracked, so you only have to install it - it's really simple =)!
Here's the link to the Tutorial, have fun with it!


- Raz0r

07-23-2010, 02:45 AM
Cool :D
Too bad its not online :(
Good job

07-23-2010, 05:02 AM
Well, I'm actually trying to find a way..
Couldn't find anything through google so far..

Although I'm most certain that I know the problem..
You get a 000 SteamID, becuase it is precracked and bringing a server online is not the problem, but that you have the same steamID.
Well I'll be making a second tutorial once I'd find out!