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07-11-2010, 01:03 PM
First Name: Skyeantino (Skye for short)

CSS Username: skye | KSF (I wish 8-))

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18109824

Steam Account Name: youthinrevolt (..the shitty movie's a coincidence, made this account years ago.)

Age: 17

Location: Skyeantino's Room - The Jersey Shore

Duration of time applicant has been playing CSS (estimate):
636.5789 hours

Duration of time applicant has been surfing CSS (estimate):
639.8241 hours 8-)

Duration of time applicant has been playing on KSF Server:
20 days

List of Skill Maps Completed:
surf_004_final1, surf_81st_network, surf_2012_beta12, surf_aircontrol_v3, surf_akai_f1n4l, surf_ambient, surf_amplitude_apex, surf_amplitude_encore, surf_amplitude_light, surf_animals, surf_annoyance, surf_ataque_final, surf_b_r_o_x_x_x, surf_bob, surf_boring, surf_calamity, surf_canisius, surf_canisius2, surf_catalyst, surf_catalyst2, surf_clockwork, surf_collaboration, surf_commune_again_beta3, surf_commune_beta11, surf_commune_too_beta5, surf_compact, surf_compulsive_njv, surf_concept, surf_construction, surf_core, surf_creation, surf_crystal, surf_crzyfrog_reloaded, surf_deceptive, surf_defenstrate, surf_delusion, surf_dice, surf_digital[g]beta_fixed, surf_dimension, surf_drain, surf_eclipse, surf_electron, surf_elements_beta3, surf_elites-v1, surf_elixor, surf_ember, surf_entropy, surf_entropy_hardmode, surf_epic, surf_escapism, surf_euphoria, surf_exxak, surf_finesse_final, surf_flashlight, surf_flyin_fortress, surf_forbidden_tomb, surf_forbidden_tomb2, surf_forbidden_tomb3, surf_freaky, surf_frequency, surf_fruits, surf_furios, surf_gauntlet, surf_globalchaos, surf_graphia, surf_gurus, surf_helium_v2, surf_hydrogen_v2, surf_imagine, surf_imex, surf_impact, surf_imperial_beta6, surf_infinity, surf_injection, surf_injection_egi, surf_injection_njv, surf_inrage, surf_insignia_b1, surf_intox, surf_ixtab, surf_jwh7_modified, surf_kawaii, surf_krow10, surf_legendary, surf_legendary_almost, surf_legends (legends), surf_lessons, surf_liberation, surf_liberation2, surf_lithium, surf_lithium2, surf_lodypreview, surf_lolz, surf_lore, surf_missing_no, surf_molstration, surf_monkeywithagun_final, surf_monster, surf_morbid, surf_mynah_final, surf_neon, surf_network2008_final, surf_network_2009, surf_networked, surf_ny_advance, surf_ny_momentum, surf_ny_supperhappiest, surf_okay, surf_olympics, surf_oma, surf_omnibus, surf_oompa_loompa, surf_palette, surf_paranoid, surf_parrot_selector, surf_parrot_selector (hard mode), surf_pavillion, surf_perforated, surf_pinky, surf_plaguelands, surf_plethora_beta1, surf_porn_asdfghjkl, surf_pox, surf_pro2a, surf_presmon_fix, surf_prolix, surf_prosaic, surf_psi_fixed, surf_psycho, surf_pure, surf_purgatory, surf_qlimax, surf_quantum, surf_quasar, surf_quattro, surf_race_long, surf_rapid, surf_razer_final, surf_rebel_resistance(pro), surf_redemption_b1, surf_refraxis, surf_resistance_beta1, surf_ripper, surf_roflb3, surf_s_t_a_t_i_o_n, surf_sanding, surf_sandman, surf_sandman_v2, surf_savant_njv, surf_sc_colours, surf_sc_essence_v2, surf_sensation, surf_sensation_egi, surf_sensation_ksf, surf_sewers, surf_sewers_beta3, surf_sewers_beta5, surf_skate_park_skill, surf_slut_beta,3 surf_smaragd, surf_smile, surf_smile_final, surf_spectrum, surf_static, surf_stick, surf_sunset, surf_syria, surf_syria_again, surf_taq, surf_teenpregnancy, surf_teenpregnancy_lite, surf_the_gloaming, surF_thembrium, surf_this_njv, surf_thrill3r_final, surf_tomb_redone, surf_tomb_reloaded, surf_torque, surf_torque2, surf_trinity, surf_tronic_njv, surf_ultimate, surf_ultimatum, surf_underground, surf_vector_final, surf_vegetables, surf_velocity, surf_wazor, surf_xor_iv, surf_zion, surf_skyes_the_limit (my own super cool map), surf_desserts (Habitat and I's top secret project, PM for details!!)

Reason applying for KSF Clan:
A couple of years ago I first found out about the Kamikaze Strike Force clan. My immediate thought was one of envy, as I could see how talented every member of the clan was. That quickly turned to a thought of determination as I hoped that one day I too could be a part of Kamikaze Strike Force.

Contributions applicant has made/can make towards the KSF Community:
I actively play on the Kamikaze Strike Force Surftimer server, and during my time on that server I actively engage in conversations with people, making them feel welcome even if they are new to the server.

Do you actively use a microphone and/or have a microphone:
Yes I do.

Do you actively participate on the KSF forums?
Not at current. But should I be granted a position in Kamikaze Strike Force I promise to partake in the forums and spread my knowledge of CS:S surf throughout.

Do you participate on the KSF Ventrilo?
No. I do not have the details, but had I known about the Kamikaze Strike Force ventrilo I would have become an active member eons ago.

Are you currently in another clan? If so please post your current clan. (You cannot be in another clan while in KSF)
Excluding my exclusive 1-man wolfpack clan where I roam alone through these level based metallic wastelands, I currently am not.

Final Words
I am a very opportunistic person, and I believe that taking this trial whilst I am currently at my CS:S surfing peak will open up many pathways into the future of my surfing career. I am eagerly awaiting the moment i can show off my surfing potential to my future leaders (I hope :lol:). If I become a member of the Kamikaze Strike Force team I promise to uphold players with utmost respect whilst representing the clan. Thank you for this opportunity Kamikaze Strike Force!!

07-11-2010, 01:42 PM
my answer would be a word with the letters Y,S,E. if you can guess what this word is then you will aproval.

07-11-2010, 04:34 PM
never met him on the server so cant tell anything bout character but since hes well known, raspected and fuckign skilled: yes

07-11-2010, 05:00 PM
I shall give you my blessing, yes.

07-11-2010, 06:50 PM
yes .. dunno u but good surfer..

chef. lack
07-11-2010, 07:16 PM
But of course

07-11-2010, 07:18 PM
obv answer is obvious. yes.

07-11-2010, 07:22 PM
Yoo Skye, i can see you can beat ALOT of maps so my anwser to you is: Welcome :D

07-11-2010, 07:22 PM
Alright well that is 6 yes's. Accepted, but please stay active. Welcome to the clan :D

07-11-2010, 07:48 PM
i vote no

07-11-2010, 08:32 PM
welcome to ksf!