View Full Version : The New Css update

06-24-2010, 10:04 AM
ive had a very shitty laptop for just about all the time ive been playing counter strike, highest fps i ever got was like 80 on level 4 of surf_ny_platinum. anyway for the past few months the game was getting more and more unplayable until yesterday when the new css update went live and now the game really is unplayable. Whenever i join a team to spawn on any server my game crashes ive tried afew things to fix this but havent really gotten to into it, im getting a new laptop soon enough but until then no Counter strike D:

06-24-2010, 01:16 PM
The update sucks so badly.

06-25-2010, 04:20 AM
im not having it as bad as you but the surf timer will be fixed soon cause eventscripts is currently being fixed, I saw a message about it.

06-25-2010, 04:49 PM
starting to get used to it now miss timer tho :cry: soon i hope :D

07-05-2010, 06:23 PM
since i was forced to play 1.6 today i got two questions concerniogn the new css:

1. does anyone why it does lag so much for me? i already tried the config_default and executed only my bindings (no graphic changes) and it worked for like two minutes and started again... (got the same fps/ping/latency as before the up (even while those lagspikes)

2.is there a way to limit the packages css is allowed to send? (got a limit for my connection (sending only) when that is reached i got no internet for 15 minutes and since the up css always surpasses it....)