View Full Version : Paul

lysergic acid
06-22-2010, 04:31 PM
hey guys, I've got a complaint about Paul (surprising, I know -_-)

So I was playing on the SurfTimer server while I was on my laptop. I never used a mic in cs before, mostly because I'm too lazy to get one and don't see it being necessary. Anyway, I realized laptops have mics so I decided to use it. I was talking amongst the users there and only after about 2 minutes, people started complaining that my mic was shitty. I was trying to ask what, exactly, was shitty about it; the only responses I got were people trying to come up with funny ways of saying what garbage my mic is (nice pissing contest, guys).

I figured it was pointless to speak through the mic at that point and just as I was saying that I wasn't gonna use it anymore, Paul decided to permanently mute me. I don't care about the fact that I can't use a mic anymore, but what really annoys me is that I can't type in the chat box. I find it extremely unfair that I didn't get any kind of warning and the fact that the mute is permanent. If that's not admin abuse, I don't know what is. Basically every time Paul is on the server when I'm there, he's constantly mic spamming and/or abusing his admin privileges (I think there are more than a few people that can vouch for me with this). When Paul mic spams, I mute him from the player list and the problem is solved. When I talk through a shitty mic for 2 minutes for the first time ever, I get permanently muted? Not cool.

06-22-2010, 04:39 PM
From what I understand you knew your mic was bad, and screaming into it doesn't warrant a warning, it warrants a punishment for being blatantly annoying. I asked Paul to unmute you, but don't start a crusade against an admin just because they put an end to your annoyance.

06-22-2010, 04:42 PM
It was permanent mute because there is no point in making it a timed mute because it doesn't work and I'm sorry I forgot to unmute you...

06-22-2010, 06:24 PM
Since the menu on that server is fucked up, you have to mute through console, and most people dont realize you can still do timed mutes that way. He probably didn't intend that anyway. I'll unmute you if I see you and you are still muted though.

06-22-2010, 07:43 PM
You can thank mani for the great mute menu. Thats what everyone has to suffer for updating mani plugin. Every update only makes things worse.