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05-26-2010, 04:28 PM
So a large reason I stopped playing was because when I transferred over to vista I would randomly get clientside lag spikes, meaning my screen freezes my character freezes and I'm free to be shot in mid air standing still. now this makes combat surfing and linear maps a pain in the bumhole.

I reinstalled XP and it's doing the same shit.

any help guys? I'm out of ideas.

05-26-2010, 04:37 PM
well i dotn think its sth concernign your operating system. maybe if u are using 64bit version that coudl do some problems (tho i dont have any with win7 64bit)

2 guesses:

a) a problem in your config (like a circle in coommands (exec config.cfg at the end of your config or sth similar)
i had a laggy cs 1.6 (but no command circle) but when i deleted all the configs and used the defaults it was workign perfectly (i tdid before with the config i deleted dont know why that happened), ever tried to just use the default config?
b)a damaged file (due to damages on your cd or a lag while downloadign or...)

05-26-2010, 06:28 PM
well i dotn think its sth concernign your operating system. maybe if u are using 64bit version that coudl do some problems (tho i dont have any with win7 64bit)

2 guesses:

a) a problem in your config (like a circle in coommands (exec config.cfg at the end of your config or sth similar)
i had a laggy cs 1.6 (but no command circle) but when i deleted all the configs and used the defaults it was workign perfectly (i tdid before with the config i deleted dont know why that happened), ever tried to just use the default config?
b)a damaged file (due to damages on your cd or a lag while downloadign or...)

It was a fresh install both times :(

05-28-2010, 06:07 AM
you tried using the dafault? (when i install it fresh i directly copy my old configs in)

other thing is: do u have a "old" graphic card with a new driver? that CAN cause problems too. the card doesnt even need to be old sometimes new graphicdrivers are a problem for css/cs1.6, try an older one

another thing u could try...run it with a lower resolution (dont think that will do tho)