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05-07-2010, 02:28 PM
Good evening dear Strike force :)

Just wanted to step by and say thx for a nice server and stabil community. I like what you built up.

Well some of you dont know me I guess. So her's alittle about me.

I live in Sweden, Europe and been playing CSS sence the release of august 2004. I bought it becouse my m8 was playing it and it look cool. Simple but entertaining. Mostly I play aim maps and aim_ag_texture was my favorite :) Anyway I pick up surfing when I some day join a surf_skyworld map. My first tought was how the hell do I get of this bloody ramp (lang :() anyway took some hours to figure out how to do the first jump and then some days to complete the map. Dont blame me I was priddy young and stupid back then :P Anyway 2006 or 07 I dont rememeber exakly I started playing on a whole new lvl. DragonRock servers. Good some good times from it. I would say thats my number one memery of css surfing. But when dragon rock close I had a break on and of for some time. Started again 2009 with The fighting mongooses a surf clan base on Xawiahn, Mr, Nice guy, Illuison, Mamba and Explizit ofc. When that clan when't down I had my final break so to say. Until some days I ago I started playing on KSF.

Priddy much my css story in a short text xD.

I dont know why I just rite that I guess Im bored a this night and felt like riting.

Anyway I belive you will se my around and now you know some things about me :)


05-07-2010, 05:09 PM
Great story. I hope you keep on surfing and stay with our community for a bit.

05-07-2010, 05:48 PM
thanks, ill share my story.

i got high and played css, surfing was fun and trippy.

i found ksf server full of stoners and surfers.

never looked back.

was that dramatic enough?

05-08-2010, 09:22 AM
Ill share my story. Many many many years ago (3 maybe) way before all the current members joined I started playing css surfing again after taking a long break and joined ksf server one day. I went back there the next day and in a short time got rank #1 on the server so I continued to play on the server. Then mustard kept trying to recruit me and as hard as he tried I wouldn't give in and join. Then one day several months later I did. And here I am now some 3 odd years later.

Ksf really changed. It went from high school operating the server to stoned college kids operating the server. it was simpler times back then. For one thing less admin abuse all and we didn't have so many fucking bitchy people..... and less stoners

05-08-2010, 09:27 AM
nothing wrong with getting stoned every single day (except when you come into the vent server and act all fucked up [me]).

I guess i started in 1.6, playing reg, i was looking for something "new" to do. Surf maps were just 'cool' sounding, and then i tried it. it was hard at first, and then i never really did it later.

When i finally bought css, i started on iceworld, and then i saw other friends of mine playing in this ksf server (yeah toast, cookie monsta) and we chilled out and had fun.

When the server dropped out of the radar, i started suring on PTC server, and when the new ksf server with spyder, evolv came around, i was pretty eager to pop in an application. Here i am right now.

05-10-2010, 08:01 PM
Cool stories.

I just got tired of gameboy'ing.. and i used to be a serious css-gamer, that was till the surf-mod took over and ctrl+alt+del'eted mah aim skillz (been gone ever since). its the only part left of css that i enjoy, so relaxing. :)
now excuse me, ima get outside